Chapter 4

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The day had finally ended and Clementine was more than relieved. Sure she hated it at home but she hated it at school just as much. She started to make her way down the steps, bag thrown over her shoulder and hat on top of her head. 

She was about halfway down the steps when she felt a hand on her shoulder. 

Her first instinct was to turn around and push away whoever it was who touched her but when hearing the familiar voice with a slight accent she relaxed. "Clementine!" Brody exclaimed.

Clementine turned around and smiled a little at her. "Hey, Brody, Violet." She greeted tiredly.

"Hey." Brody greeted excitedly. 

"What's up?" Clementine asked with raised brows.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me, Vi and the rest of the gang?" She asked while smiling brightly.

From where she stood behind Brody, Violet's head perked up and she looked at Brody with slightly wide eyes. "Brody-" SHe was cut off by a shout coming from the top of the steps.

"Vi, Brody!" A happy looking Louis shouted. Once seeing that they had seen him he sat on the railing attached to the steps as slid down it, landing on his feet perfectly. "I see you've met my new friend here." He stated happily while nudging Clementine with his elbow.

"Okay, first of all, I don't know you and second of all, you don't know me so please, back off a little," Clementine said with a glare aimed right at Louis.

Louis just smiled and waved her off. "You askin' her if she wants to hang out?" He asked Brody.

"Yep, sure am." She stated happily. She then turned to Clementine and looked expectantly at her. "So...?" She prompted. "Do you wanna?" 

Clementine looked around at the three of them and then down to the ground. If she wasn't home right after school Carver would have her head... but on the other hand she'd finally get away from him for a while.  Her face then twisted into a scowl. 

'Fuck Carver.' She thought to herself. She looked up with a small smile and nodded her head. "Yeah, I'll come." She answered.

Louis fisted pumped the air and Brody clapped, and Violet... well Violet smiled at the thought. 

"Great, we'll go with you to your house and you can ask your parents if it's okay with them." Brody stated and then started walking down the sidewalk.

Clementine ran to catch up to her, her eyes a little wide. "T-that's not necessary," She stated quickly. Brody gave her a confused look so Clementine went on. "I- uh, they wouldn't really care, I mean they would but umm..." She faltered, she took a deep breath to calm herself and continued on more calmly. "As long as I'm home by six o'clock everything will be fine." 

"Oh, okay. Then we'll just have you home by six then." Brody smiled. "Alright, let's get going." And with that the group of four made they're way down the sidewalk.


"So, where exactly are we going?" Clementine asked as the group made their way down the street and to what looked like a park.

For the first time since the group started walking Violet spoke up. "To that park down there, the rest of the group should be there waiting for us." She explained.

Clementine nodded and looked forward again, then another question that had been on her mind popped into her mind again. "Who exactly is the rest of your... group?" 

"There's a lot of us," Brody started, "There's Ruby, Assim, Marlon, Omar, Willy, and Tennesse or Tenn for short." She finished.

"Wow, that is a lot." 

"We've all known each other since grade one, we've been friends ever since," Violet explained, there was the hint of a smile in her voice as she reminisced on all the good times the group had had.

"You got any friends like that?" Louis asked from beside Clementine.

Clementine tensed a little at the question. She wasn't one to open up, especially to strangers, but these people... they seemed trustworthy. "I did." She answered slowly. They all looked at her and waited for her to continue. She sighed, realizing what she had gotten herself into. "Her name was Mariana, she was my best friend, we did everything together..." She trailed off as she remembered her, they were always close, they did everything together. They had known each other since pre-school. Clementine was a little older though. She shook her head as if to shake the thoughts of her best friend out of her mind. Clearing her throat she continued. "Anyways, she moved at the end of grade eight. Her mom had died and her dad was an asshole. She lived with her uncle and stepmom for a while but sadly the state took her away... they hadn't legally adopted her yet and that can take a long time." A sad frown contorted her features and she looked down at her feet. She'd be lying if she said she didn't miss her immensely.

"Wow... that's a lot." Louis breathed out, "Well, I'm sure you'll see each other again someday." He offered, a sympathetic smile lay on his face.

Clementine snorted at that, "Doubt it, with the way my life is that is never gonna happen." 

A silence fell upon them, a very uncomfortable one at that. Luckily though they had made it to the park where the rest of the group was waiting for their arrival. 

"There they are!" Someone shouted, there was a chorus of footsteps thumping on the ground as the group ran over. 

"Hey, guys." Brody greeted them. "And before you ask, this is Clementine." She said as she jutted her them behind her in the general direction of Clementine. 

"Hi." She shyly said, waving awkwardly at all of them.

"Well," One of them spoke up, "It's nice to meet you, Clementine, I'm Marlon." He held his hand out in her direction to shake, as to which she shook. "I'll introduce you to everyone else. This is Ruby, that's Assim Tenn, Willy, and Omar." As he said their name she pointed to each of them, then he turned back to Clementine, a small smile on his face.

"Well uh, it's nice to meet you all." She greeted, managing to muster up a small smile. She was excited to hang out with people for a change, only scared for the aftermath it would bring.

A/N: I hate this chapter, I re-wrote it once and was sort of okay with it. I have little motivation to write or read for that matter, so expect fewer chapters coming from me. Sorry to disappoint. 

Anyways, have a good rest fo your day :)


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