Chapter 5

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"So, Clementine... "Marlon trailed off, he was thinking of what he was gonna ask, seeing as they had all decided on truth or dare. It was four o'clock now, meaning they had two hours until Clementine had to leave, he and the rest of the group wanted to get to know her. "How long have you been here in Ericson?" He asked after a moment to think.

They were sitting at one of the many picnic tables scattered around the park. It was quiet, with woods around it and a small playground for children to run around on. It was a quiet day, not many people in the park thankfully, a light breeze and birds chirping. 

"For two years, I moved here after my parents..." realizing what she was about to say she stopped herself. Many people knew of Clementines late parents passing away a few years ago, what they didn't know was that she had been in the care of Bill Craver, who was a drunken idiot who couldn't get a job. He had been fired from his job working at an office when he had shown up to work drunk, his boss found out and showed him the door, telling him to never come back.

Noticing her hesitation Violet looked at her in concern, clearing her throat quietly before speaking. "Clem... you alright?" She asked the quiet girl sitting across from her.

Clementine snapped out of her daze. She hadn't realized she had been staring at the table with a conflicted expression on her face. Raising her head and locking eyes with Violet she nodded, before deciding that she would tell them. "I'm fine. As I was saying, I moved here two years ago after my parents had died in a car crash... I've been in and out of a few foster homes but ended up here... with a man named Carver- sorry, Bill." She finished, she didn't want to look up, knowing she'd only be met with gazes of pity and shocked expressions. Instead, she chose to look at the table again, suddenly finding it very interesting. She only looked up when she felt someone's hand rest on top of hers. She was shocked by the action as she raised her head to see that Brody had been the one reaching across the table.

"God.. I... Clem, I can't imagine... I'm so sorry." She had a frown on her face, something very uncommon for the cheery girl who always had a smile on her face and kind words to give. 

Clementine smiled sadly and shook her head. "Don't be... it's not like there's anything that can be done." She looked around the table at the rest of the group, seeing them all looking at her with saddened expressions. She hadn't expected the sudden sympathy she was receiving from them. She wasn't used to it. Usually, when people found out her parents had died they'd either go quiet or make an excuse to leave, there were even a few kids at the school who had teased her about it, they quickly stopped when Clementine had had enough and punched one of them though, leaving him with a bloody nose. 

Noticing the silence they had fallen into, Clementine cleared her throat, pulling her hand away from Brody's and looked at them all while doing her best to plaster a smile on her face. "How about we talk about something else?" She offered. Much to her relief, the group nodded back and smiled back at her.


The whole time they were there they had played truth or dare, shared stories with each other and got to know each other. By the time Clementine had to go home, they were all laughing and joking. 

For once, Clementine felt like she found a place she belonged.

"Hey, guys, you want to do this tomorrow too?" Omar asked as they all walked to the entrance to the park. 

The group all looked from one another before nodding with smiles on their faces. "Definitely." Louis said before throwing his arm over Violet's shoulder, who shoved him away lightly with an annoyed look on her face. 

"For sure." Brody agreed. She had her usual smile back on her face as she turned to Clementine who had been lagging in the back of the group. "Do you think you'll be able to come again, Clem?" She asked the quiet girl.

Clementine looked to her with a faint smile and nodded. "Probably." She answered, "If Carver doesn't beat my ass that is." She muttered under her breath. She knew he was gonna be pissed, but frankly, she didn't care. She always found it amusing watching him lose his cool, but that feeling always disappeared when he yelled at her or slapped her. 

"Great!" Brody exclaimed as she came to a stop at a corner. She jutted her thumb behind her before speaking. "Well, this is me, see you guys tomorrow." She said before running off while waving her hand at them. 

"Where do you live, Clem?" Violet asked after a moment of them continuing their walk home. 

"Just a little way up here." She answered simply.

Violet nodded back as she continued walking down the street with the group. 

One after one the group went their sperate ways, making their way home as quick as they could. Soon enough it was only Clementine, Violet and walking down the street. The next house was Clementines and Violets was around the corner from hers. 

"So, how was your first day back?" Violet finally asked, breaking the silence that had fallen over the two. It wasn't uncomfortable by any means, but she wanted Clementine to trust and become her friend.

Clementine turned her head to look at Violet and nodded lightly. "It was good, nothing overly eventful but, except for PE, where you rudely interrupted me  while I was running." She grinned at Violet when noticing the sheepish look she had, a faint red creeping up her neck.

"Hey! I said I was sorry!" Violet defended herself weakly as she laughed at the grin Clementine had on her face. The grin was almost contagious. Both their smiles dropped though when hearing a shout from the end of a driveway of one of the houses in front of them.

"Clementine!" Carver yelled, his fist clutched at his sides. He was pissed, and Clementine was scared he might do something he shouldn't. "Where the hell have you been?!" He demand. 

Clementine shrunk from the tone of voice. You'd think after been yelled at so much she'd be used to it by now, but she wasn't. She always hated being yelled at, and no matter how many times it happened she still became quiet and scared.

Swallowing thickly as she came to a stop a few feet in front of Carver, Violet behind her with wide eyes from Carvers outburst of rage. She began to explain quietly. "I-I was just out with a few friends... we were just at the park." She quietly mumbled. Usually, she would try to be more fierce when something like this happened, but now she was just disappointed. She had such a good time at the park with her new friends and now Carver was ruining her good mood... like always.

"Friends?" He scoffed, almost looking amused, "You don't have any friends, now, say goodbye to ragdoll over there," He pointed to Violet who glared at him, "And come inside." After that he left, leaving the girls in a deafening silence. 

Clementine finally broke the tense silence, clearing her throat and throwing on her stone-cold face before muttering sarcastically; "Foster parents, right? They're always the best."

A/N: Hey! So I'm not dead. I'm sorry it took me so long to update, my mental state plummeted for a while but I'm doing better. I started high school a little while ago and frankly, it sucks. I've barely made any friends and everyone in my geography class is convinced I'm a guy, which I'm not. I do however have a close-knit group of friends that already went there, so luckily I have them. I also have a cold, sore throat, bad fever, the whole bit. 

Anyways, if you made it this far thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I apologize in advance if I'm a little rusty with my writing, it's a been a little since I've even typed something on my laptop, it feels foreign almost. Anyways, before I start ranting again have a good rest of your day or night, whichever it is and I hope you enjoyed the chapter :)


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