Chapter 6

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Violet had been standing at the end of the driveway leading up to Clementine's house. She was shocked. She knew after the story Clementine had shared with the rest of the group and herself that shes had a hard run, but she didn't expect her foster father to be like that. She's been standing there for about a minute, trying to wrap her mind around what had just happened. 

She finally snapped out of it though when she heard a loud crash. Like something being thrown. She wanted to go in, make sure Clementine was okay, but she knew better than to get involved, she also didn't know what she would do to help her. So, instead, she opted to turn around and start making her way to her house.

She started making her way down the street, kicking rocks and stepping on leaves, it was still pretty nice out, calming almost, but Violet's mind was far from quiet. 

Maybe she should have gone and help Clementine? Maybe she could have done something to help? What of Clementine saw her turn and walk away through the window and was mad at her now? What type of person would Clementine think she is? The kind to turn her back on people or help them when in need? 

Shaking her head as if to get rid of the thoughts swarming her mind she started into a light jog. 

Clementine wasn't the only one who ran to release her anger or stress. Violet too ran. Not always for the same reasons though. 

 When things were too much for her to handle, when her thoughts were too loud or her mind refused to be quiet... she ran, she'd start in a jog and gradually pick up speed, or if she was angry she'd burst out the front door of her house and start sprinting down the street as soon as she was at the bottom of the driveway. She'd run until her lungs screamed for air and her legs begged for a break. Running was a release that she would never grow tired of.

Eventually, she did have to stop though. As she came to stop at the bottom of her driveway-- panting--as she stumbled a few steps up the driveway before making her way to the door, fumbling with her key until she got it in the door, turning and pushing the door open.

As soon as she opened the door she was met with the cool air of her house. She carelessly threw her bag on the floor, ignoring the way her mother rolled her eyes and ran up the steps and into her room. She flung the door open and immediately flopped onto the bed, closing her eyes and letting out a breath she didn't realize she was holding and laid there, just thinking, and maybe falling asleep once or twice.


Violets been in her room for about thirty minutes, laying on her bed and staring at the ceiling. Her thoughts drifted to Clementine, and what happened with Carver. She couldn't believe that that's how he treated her. After you got past the sarcasm and tough exterior she was actually really nice. Sure, she's only known her for a day but she thinks that they'll be good friends one day.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when her phone buzzed, signaling a text. Sitting up she reached over and grabbed it off her nightstand. It was a text from Louis. 

Lou: Hey, Flower, I just wanted to check up with you and see how your first day back to hell was?

Violet smiled when knowing just how much Louis cared. There weren't many people that would go out of their way to check on her. Knowing that he had made her feel loved.

Vi: Mine was fine, what about you, Lou?

Lou: It was fine, although I have to say Clementine wasn't too fond of me when I first spoke to her :(

Violet rolled her eyes when seeing the sad face. Classic Louis.

Vi: Well it's not like you're extremely annoying and make people want to stab scissors in their ears.

Lou: Wow, I'm hurt. 

Vi: Yeah, yeah, whatever. Anyways, leave me alone so I can lay down, I'm tired.

Lou: Okay, okay, sleep well Flower :)

Rolling her eyes at the nickname she tossed her phone beside her before climbing under the covers of her bed and pulling her earbuds out from under her pillow. She was tired but she knew she wouldn't be able to actually sleep with her thoughts going a mile a minute. So, instead, she plugged her earbuds into her phone and played her favorite playlist, eventually drifting off to sleep.

A/N: Just sort of a filler chapter, hope you enjoyed :)


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