Chapter 8

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Clementine hated school. She hated being there, she hated the kids, and she hated the work. It was all so draining. Draining and repetitive. It made her crazy somedays, like her head was going to explode from the endless thoughts swarming her head, and the heavy feeling that lingered over her. 

It was her first-period class, the one she had with Louis. She still felt drained and exhausted from yesterday's events, but she supposes she doesn't have a choice in going to school or not.

As the students around her chattered and bantered over meaningless subjects, Louis came into the room, the bell ringing right after. Observing the room, his eyes lit up when he saw Clementine in the same seat as yesterday; at the very back with earbuds stuck in her ears, attempting to drown out the obnoxiously loud teenagers in the classroom. 

Weaving his way through the desks and students making their way to their seats, he made it to the back, where he sat yesterday and plopped down in the seat. And just like yesterday, he reached over and gingerly removed Clementine's earbuds when noticing the girl was practically asleep.

Clementine's head snapped up to look a Louis, an irritated look on her face. "God, what do you want now?" Her head fell back as she groaned, already annoyed. Louis just chuckled at the girl before proceeding.

"Like I was gonna let you fall asleep in class, you don't even have a pillow to lay on the desk." Clementine merely rolled her eyes at his statement and put one of her earbuds back in, leaving the other hanging out.

"I wasn't going to fall asleep." She grumbled out quietly. 

"So you were just letting your eyes droop for fun?" 

"I..." Clementine sighed and then put her other earbud back in, choosing to tune the teacher and Louis out until the bell rang.

Her first class blew by faster than expected, the teacher's voice sounding that of one in Charlie Brown. 

As soon as the bell rings, Clementine is up out of her seat and speedwalking for the door, which evidently got blocked by none other than Louis. 

Clementine stopped, nearly ramming into Louis's chest, and let out a prolonged groan of annoyance, intent on letting Louis know how irritating he was. "So, what class are you off to next?" He asked her as Clementine tried to doge past Louis who just blocked her with his larger figure. 

Huffing in annoyance, Clementine stood back up, glaring up at Louis as she crossed her arms over her chest. "If I tell you, will you move?"

Louis pretends to ponder it over before shaking his head. "Probably not." He answered honestly.

Glare somehow hardening even more, Clementine put her hands on Louis's chest and shoved him as hard as she could, sending him stumbling a few steps and out of her way. Louis initially seemed shocked at Clementine's actions before nodding his head and standing straighter. "Message received." He mumbled before making his way out of the classroom and heading to his second class. 

Clementine watched the back of his head, guilt immediately twisting in her chest. Her anger and frustration had a way of getting the better of her sometimes, and would only leave her feeling awful afterward. She hated hurting people. It made her feel like she wasn't any better than Carver, that she was just going to turn into him when she was older. Jobless and drunk.

Shaking her head as if to shake off the guilty feeling creeping it's way up her neck, Clementine turned the other direction and started off to her second class. 


This time around, Clementine isn't late for class. She's right on time actually, which surprises even her. She walks out of the change room adorning her usual shorts and an Ericson t-shirt, making her way to the bench. 

She was thankful that there was a light breeze in the air. The hot weather certainly wasn't going to be any help today. 

Sitting down on the bright red bench, Clementine closed her eyes, letting out a peaceful sigh. There was something about the summer weather that always made her feel like a little kid, playing baseball with her dad and painting with her mother. Those were the days, she bitterly thought, opening her eyes again, only to see a certain red-head making her way towards her, Violet trailing a few steps behind her. 

"Clem!" Brody exclaimed in greeting, bounding her way over with a happy grin on her face. 

Clementine had to resist the urge to roll her eyes, sitting up a little straighter when Brody plopped down in the space beside her. "Hey," Clementine greeted, squinting when the sun shone in her eyes. 

"So, what do you want to do today?" She quickly asked. The question threw Clementine off guard. She knew she had agreed to go out with Brody and the rest of her friends, but she wasn't sure they had actually meant it.

Due to her shock, Clementine struggled to respond. "I - uh, I hadn't thought about it." She finally managed to stutter out. For some reason, she averted her gaze to Violet, who only offered her a shrug in return.

"Oh, well, in that case, do you want to just head back to the park?" Brody asked hopefully, her eyes gleaming with hope. 

Clementine hesitated to answer. If she said yes and went with them, Carver would for sure throw a fit. She'd likely end up with a bloody nose or busted lip. She hated that she had to think about this, but she'd really rather not end up with another small injury such as the one she sustained yesterday. 

Fingers snapping in front of her face is what brought Clementine back to Earth. Her face hardened into a glare as she lightly slapped Brody's hand away, hoping she received the message to never do that again. By the way Brody took a subtle step back, she assumes she did. 

Thinking it over one last time, Clementine titled her head back and closed her eyes, letting out a sigh before slowly looking back down and nodding her head. "Fuck it, count me in." She finally answered. I'm gonna regret this, aren't I? She thought to herself.

I've really got to start making longer chapters. I just wanted to get something out. 

Me: *feels like shit and being around my friends helps*

Coronavirus: Well, I'm sorry to say this... but welcome to the fuckening >:)

social distancing is killing me, I'm going to lose my mind. i miss my friends, my parents are driving me insane and i can hardly focus on my school work. F.Y.I online schooling sucks.

Anyways, I hope you are all doing well, and keeping occupied in these troubling times, stay the fuck inside. Have a nice day :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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