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"Happy birthday to you!" We all sang. Justine, my younger sister grinned and blew the candles.

We all cheered and clapped making her smile even wider.

"Everybody picture time!" My mom yelled as she held the camera towards us. We all got together surrounding the cake and Justine and we all smiled.

"And good, Martha can you take this with me in the shot?" She asked my aunt. Martha switched spots with her and we all smiled again.

"Can I go open my gifts now?" Justine asked after we were done.

"You don't want to cut the cake yet?" My dad asked.

"Yeah, but after." She said with excitement.

"Ok, go ahead." He tells her. She ran off with her friends.

"Desiree where's your sister?" My mom asked.

"I don't know, I texted her just a couple minutes ago but she didn't read," I said checking my phone.

"Oh wait she read, she just didn't respond," I said with a frown. My mom sighed.

"She's probably with that boyfriend of hers," Martha says as she rolls her eyes.

"Most likely." I say.

"I'll try calling her." My dad said. He goes to the other room leaving just and my mom and Martha.

"Ma don't stress, I think she knows how to handle herself and Tim," I said referring to her boyfriend. My mom once again sighs.

"You know, your sister thinks just because she's 18 she can just do whatever she wants. I'm not stopping her from growing up but I'm still her mom and she should inform me where she's going especially if she's going to be staying overnight."

"It's weird how she's been doing that lately." I said.

"You know what, when she gets back I'll talk to her." She began cleaning the mess along with Martha.

"Voicemail." My dad said calmly as he walked back in. My mom didn't say anything but continued tidying up.

"Ma! Dad! Look want Amber got me!" Justine's little self came running in with a medium-sized dollhouse.

"Wow honey that looks beautiful, now you can play house with you dolls." My mom said.

"I know it's soo pretty! And look it can open and close." She demonstrates her toy.

"That's nice sweetie." Ma says.

"Did you thank Amber?" Dad asked as he picks her us and swings her around.

"Of course Dad, why wouldn't I?" She giggles.

"Just making sure little one." He put her down.

"Dad now I'm dizzy." She says before leaving to her friends again.

"Desiree can you take the trash out?" My mom asked as she hands me the trash bag.

"Sure." I grab it and went out the back door. I dropped the bag in metal bin wiping my hands after.

I glanced around the quiet atmosphere. My house was the biggest in the neighbourhood and it stood out the most. Our neighbourhood wasn't those type where all the houses look the same. Instead, each one has its own size.

I looked over at my best friends house next door. She was out of town and wouldn't be back until tonight. If she was here we would've been hanging out as always instead of me being in my younger sisters 6th birthday party all day.

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