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"Diamond are you done yet?" Crystal knocked on the bathroom door.

"Give me 5 minutes!" Diamond yelled.

"Hurry, we have to be out by 10." Crystal said. I sat on my bed while I finished doing my makeup.

I put on my socks, snow pants and boots. Today we were getting lessons on skiing and I'm prepared to fall on my face the whole time.

Diamond got out the the bathroom and Crystal quickly went in. Diamond put on her winter stuff.

"I really want to skip this." She sighed.

"I just want to stay in here all day." I say.

"It won't be that bad." Crystal said as she left the bathroom.

"But I'm not athletic at all." Diamond said.

"We're just learning the basics, not professional." Crystal laughed.


I put on my coat and we all left remembering to the lock the door. We all left the cabin and walked out meet with everyone else. We grabbed our ski equipments from a shack.

We began walking up the hills which became very tiring. After about 10 minutes we reached the top where the boys were. I immediately spotted Darius as he was attaching his ski gears on.

I approached him making him look up.

"Hey babe." He stood up and gave me a peck.

"You seem excited." I said.

"Yeah, I love skiing and I can't wait to start." He said.

"That's good, for you." I said as I looked down the hill.

"Trust me it's not as hard as it seems." He chuckled.

"Easy for you to say, this is my first time."

"You'll get the hang of it. Now let's put these on." He said. He helped me put on my ski gears and made sure it was secured.

"Stand up." He grabbed my hands and help me stand up.

"Woah." I said about to lose balance. I clutched on his hands and maintained my balance.

"Darius?" We heard. Gina walked up to us with her equipment.

"You mind helping me put these on? I would ask Scott but he's not done putting his on." She said.

"Sure." He said. She smiled at him and gave me a devilish grin.

"Des check me out." Crystal said as she slid towards me.

"You make it seem so easy to do." I laughed.

"I mean once I get on that hill I look ridiculously awful doing it." Crystal said.

Diamond tried sliding towards making sure the doesn't fall.

"I really hate this." She sighed.

"And I love it." Crystal said.

I put on my ski goggles and looked at Darius and Gina.

"All done." He said.

"Thanks Darius." She said as she touched his arm. I mean was that necessary. He help her up and she slid off. I really wanted to push her down.

"Cmon lets go learn to ski." He grabbed my hands and we all headed towards one of the ski instructor. There were a couple people there including Gina and Scott. Everyone was separated by groups depending on how well we could ski.

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