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Next day at lunch

"You missed the math quiz yesterday by the way." Iyan said.

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath.

"It was short anyways." She drank her milk.

"Is everything okay Des, you've been quiet today." Crystal said.

"She's obviously recovering from being sick." Diamond said.

"How you feeling today?" Crystal asked.

"I'm feeling like I should've stayed another day at home." I said.

"Yesterday was weird." Iyan said.

"What was weird about it?" I asked.

"Well when we got here we saw Darius standing near your locker alone. It seemed like he was waiting for someone." Iyan said.

I looked down at my food.

"He was probably just waiting for a friend and happened to stand near your locker." Diamond said.

"Or he was waiting for Des." Crystal said.

"He would've texted me." I said.

"You guys text each other?" Diamond said.

"Well yeah we exchanged numbers back when I tutored him." I said. Diamond didn't say anything. She just continued eating her sandwich.

"He asked me if you were around and I said no." Iyan said.

"Why was he asking for you?" Crystal asked me.

"He probably needed help with English." I shrugged.

"Are you guys friends or something?" Iyan asked.

"It's mutual. Can we change the topic please?" I said.


"There's a rumour going around that someone in this school is pregnant." Iyan said. Great the conversation couldn't of gotten any worse.

"One of the teachers?" Diamond said.

"Nope a student." Iyan said.

"I'm not surprised, our school is filled with hoes." Diamond said.

"Who is it exactly?" Crystal asked.

"Not sure, but I'm guessing it's Riley."

"She did pick up a few pounds." Diamond mumbled.

"And she's known for sleeping with almost all the guys." Crystal said.

The more they talked the more I found myself wanting to get up and leave. I didn't want to blurt out who it was so it was best for me to leave.

"I need to use the restroom." I said as I grabbed my things.

"Want us to come?" Crystal asked. I shook my head and left the cafeteria.

I'll explain everything later but now I just needed to clear my mind.

I went into the restroom to washed off. I used the toilet then washed my hands.

The door swung opened and it revealed Gina and her friend. When she saw me she smirked and went to the sink next to me.

"That party was so lit." She said to her friend.

"I know, we should do those more often." Her friend said. By the sound of that I'm guessing she threw it.

"But where did you disappear to?"

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