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Thursday morning

I woke up from my alarm and stretched. I had to get to school early for the ski trip.

I looked at the time seeing it was 7am. I got out of bed and headed to my bathroom. I been looking forward to this trip since December started and now the day has arrived.

I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I went back to my room and got dressed. I combed my hair and let it flow down back neck and back.

I did my makeup and sprayed a bit of body spray. I looked through my duffle bag making sure I had everything I need. Winter hats, mits, snow pants, and a bunch of other winter stuff.

I also brought a swimwear since Crystal told me there's jacuzzis there which sounded soothing.

"Des hurry you gotta be there soon!" I heard my mom yell.

"Just a minute!" I said. I grab my other bag and put a bunch of important things in like my laptop, my headphones, a bunch of books, my makeup, and other things.

I grabbed my beige coat and my bag and went out my room. It was a struggle carrying it all since it was heavy. I didn't realize I packed so much things.

"Your gonna be gone for only 4 days, what you got in there?" My mom said.

"Everything I need for 4 days." I said.

"Is Iyan going?"

"No, she went to New York remember?" I said.

"Oh right. Anyways Andre Des is ready!" Ma said. Dad came from the kitchen playing with his car keys.

"Ready to go?" He asked and I nodded. I look up at the stair well seeing Justine coming down.

"Morning baby." Ma said.

"Oh no I woke up late!" She said about to run upstairs.

"No Justine, Des is just going on a trip and she needs to leave early." Ma said. Des came back down.

"Oh, are you going too?" She asked ma.

"No, it's a school ski trip."

"Ski? That's sound cool, I wish my school did that."

"When you get to high school, you'll get the chance." I said.

"Anyways you two go before she misses the bus." Mw shooed us away.

"Bye ma." I hugged her.

"Bye, if there's service call me okay?" She said and I nodded.

"Bye Justine." I waved at her.

"When you get back bring me a lot of candy canes." She said.

"Okay I will." I laughed.

We both left and dad set my bag in his trunk. We both got in the car and he drove off. We arrived at school and the buses and everyone else were there.

We both got out and dad help me bring my bags to the buses.

"Des!" I heard. I turn seeing Crystal running towards me with Diamond. Diamond decided to come since she would've felt left out with all of us gone.

"Hey guys, ready to go skiing?" I said.

"Yeah, not really." Diamond shook her head.

"It's be so much fun. Oh hi Mr. Marshall." Crystal said.

"How are you girls?" He asked.

"Good." They respond.

"Well Des I gotta go." He pushed me in for a hug.

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