Chapter Two

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Narrator's P.O.V

After a few days, Papyrus and Mettaton came to stay at Sans and Grillby's house for awhile. A busted water pipe had taken over their house with a tsunami of water. The engaged couple felt sympathy for the duo and allowed them to stay until the couple's house was fixed.

Sans' P.O.V

A wave of nausea woke me up. I was already half awake, my mouth had felt clammy and the taste of bile coated my tongue. So when I went to sit up, nausea hit me like a brick, and the next thing I knew I was belching into the toilet. Grillby followed after me a few minutes later and rubbed my back.

"Are you okay?" He asked after I sat back.

"I-- I don't know." I said rubbing the excess vomit off my mouth.

I threw up a few more times afterwards until I was dry-heaving. Luckily I didn't have work today. I had to eventually motivate myself to go downstairs for breakfast though, after Grillby made sure I was fine. When I reached the kitchen, Mettaton was working away at the stove, frying bacon and eggs.

"You not have work today?" I asked when he set the food out on a plate for me.

"Not today," Mettaton winked and handed me his food, "Papy wanted me to make sure you're okay since you've been throwing up all morning. Grillby too!"

Breakfast was pretty simple after that. We didn't talk much, Mettaton mostly played on his phone, which didn't hurt my feelings. After washing my plate, I headed back upstairs for a shower. When I took off my night shirt, however, I looked down to see an ecto-belly with a small orange soul inside of it. I stared at it and decided to ask Mettaton about it.

"Hey, Mettaton, do you know what's up with my stomach?"

Mettaton poked his head around the corner and locked his eyes onto my stomach. "Is that a soul?"

"Looks like it, what's with it?"

Mettaton came closer and examined my stomach. "Have you had sex recently?"

I felt my cheeks go blue at Mettaton's bluntness. "Why do you ask?"

Mettaton only tsks and walks away from me only to return with his car keys. "Honey, we're going to take a test."


"Mhm. Now, follow me. Off to the drug store we go!"

"But... why?"

Mettaton only huffs at me and pulls me towards his car, "Hun. It is my job today to take care of you since the men of the house are off slaving away at their jobs. Trust me, it's a gay man's intuition, I know what I'm doing here."

I only rolled my eyes at my brother's fiance. Mettaton didn't say anything on the way to the drug store, when we arrived he told me to stay put and rushed inside. He came back about 10 minutes later with a bag of something. He waved it at me and set it in my lap.

"Those," he started, "Are for you to try out when we get home! Hope your bladder is full."

"You're kidding me, pregnancy tests?"

Mettaton nodded and started on the route back to my house. "You'll need it, trust me. You didn't even pay for it, be considerate."

"I'm not pregnant."

"Have you peed on the test? No, you haven't. So pipe down, this song is my jam."

Mettaton proceeded to ignore me for the rest of the ride. Was I really pregnant?

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