Chapter Three

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Narrator's P.O.V

The minute Sans and Mettaton walked through the door of Sans' house, Mettaton ushered him to the bathroom cramming a pregnancy test into his palm.

Sans' P.O.V

I sat in the bathroom for a couple of minutes before I decided to finally take Mettaton's stupid test. How in the world could I get pregnant? First of all, I'm a guy. Second, what will Grillby even think if I am pregnant?

"Mettaton, how long does thi--"

"Ten minutes."

"What am I--"

"You pee on it. It's a simple urine test, hun."

I rolled my eyes and followed Mettaton's instructions. I peed on the test, flushed, and then set in back onto the counter.

"Don't forget the cap! It makes the test more accurate!" Mettaton chirped through the door.

I rolled my eyes and put the cap on the pregnancy test. Ten minutes, I have to wait ten minutes to find out if I'm pregnant. I have never wanted to wipe that smirk off his face so bad before, I just wish I could do it with a negative pregnancy test.

"It's been ten minutes, hun!" Mettaton chirped through the door, a timer chiming off in the background.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I walked back up to the counter and stared at the test for a minute before finally picking up the test. Turning it over, all I could see on the tiny screen was two straight lines.

"It's doesn't say anything."

"Yes it does, does it have one line or two on the screen hun?"


I could hear Mettaton giggle outside the door, "Hun, the test is positive!"

My ears ring after that. I didn't know how to react, I didn't know if I was happy or upset.

"Open the door Sans, there is nothing to be upset about here! This is a joyous moment, it must be celebrated, you are having a baby!"

I opened the door and Mettaton immediately hugged me when I walked out. We didn't say much after that, we just went to the living room and started to watch TV. At some point I had fell asleep, when I woke up my husband was sitting on the couch.

"How was your day?" he asked when he noticed I was awake.

"It was good, how was yours?"

"It was good, just the usual." he hummed, "How are you feeling, any better?"

"Yeah, you could say that."

We ended up talking and laughing about random things after that. Before long, Paps was yelling at us from the kitchen telling us that dinner was ready. Walking in, he had the table already set up. Each plate filled with a helping of his "speciality."

"Spaghetti again?" Grillby asked, sitting down at the table.

"Yes!" he yelled, turning around to grin at Grillby, "it's my speciality, ya know."

During dinner we all talked about our days, Paps went on about Frisk during gym class and the multitude of games he had prepared for upcoming lessons. Grillby then went on and told us about some lady who started to scream at one of the workers about some french fries. I was laughing with them when Mettaton nudged me with his elbow and motion to the other two with his head.

"Ah, I have something to tell you guys."

Grillby looked at me and raised one of his eyebrows, "What's that?"

"Well, I took a test today."

"A test? Who wants to take a test willingly?" Papyrus interrupted, "What kind of test?"

"Well let's just say—"

"—Oh get on with it Sans."

"I'm pregnant."

Papyrus and Grillby both went silent for a minute. "Excuse me?"

"I'm pregnant." I started, "Mettaton made me take a pregnancy test and it came back positive."

"So you're serious?" Papyrus asked, poking his fork at me. "You're saying I get to be an uncle?!"

I laughed at my brother, "Yes Paps."

Papyrus practically screeched at the news, telling his husband about how he's going to be the best uncle ever. When I looked back Grillby though, he gave me a small smile. I could tell that he seemed really happy with the news, which was quite relieving. That was all we talked about for the rest of the night was the fact that I was pregnant. I was happy that the news settled well with everybody, and that mainly Grillby was happy with the fact that we were having a kid. That night, I slept the best I had ever had in a long time.

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