{3} Flights ✈️

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Selena's POV

Today is the day we leave for Florida. It will take us about 7 hours since we live in San Diego.

I got over Jake. And we are still friends it's just a little awkward. But we are waiting for our flight to be called, we already did all the other stuff. It's 1 in the afternoon and we'll be there 11 pm east coast time.

Just as I was about to tie my shoe the flight attendant called our flight.

And as I reached the flight attendant I trip... and of coarse Alexis and Angel get it on vine.

I sit in my seat and luckily I have a seat next to Angel. I wouldn't want to deal with awkward conversations with strangers.

I opened vine and looked through the popular vines and I came across this video of a kid named "Matthew Espinosa".

I pressed on his account and realized I wasn't following him yet. so I followed him on all social media and I shut my phone off. And then I was out like a light.

Matts POV


And I shut my mouth as soon as I realized everyone on the plane was staring at me and I just thought out loud....

But I just fan girled over selena because she is so inspiring she's my age, beautiful, funny, talented, and she's sweet. I hope I meet her one day.

Bart told me we are getting 3 new members.


I put on my head phones and listened to Selena's covers. She was good and it was flights, by jack and jack.

And then I fell sleep took over my body.


Download 'Groove' on iTunes.
They are gunna meet next chapter so stay tuned love y'all sexy sprinkled cupcakes. xD


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