Dumbledore's Gift

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Let It Be Slytherin

Dumbledore gives Harry a much needed gift—a trip to the past to meet his parents. But when Harry is sorted into Slytherin, things take a turn for the worst. Will James ever accept Harry for who he is, or will the age-long prejudice keep them apart?

Oh, and Snape is Harry's roommate.


LE/JP, No Slash


This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Harry Potter world, which is trademarked by J. K. Rowling. 

This story takes place after the events of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

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Dumbledore's Gift

One didn't usually visit one's dead friend in the home of his killer, Harry Potter reflected, stepping on the doorstep to Snape's private residence. He glanced around and shifted the weight to the balls of his feet, subconsciously identifying that he was in enemy territory. The place itself was not bad, but ghostly, a house with the feeling of a rickety old barn and Harry had to wonder why Snape chose to live here.

The brisk autumn mists bustled past him as he lifted one knuckle and knocked, the echo breaking the silence of the empty cul de sac. The noise was off-putting. Harry jerked his hand back and glanced at the darkness to his peripheral.

Suddenly, the door creaked open to reveal a dark slit. It paused here before swinging open and letting the inhabitant into Harry's view.

Severus Snape was clearly not happy to see him. Lank black hair framed beady black eyes that glowered down at Harry like a bug he would like to step on. His robes were long and black and his body silhouetted against the dim candle-light behind him. Harry felt his temper rise defensively. It had been six months since he had last seen the man that horrible day at Hogwarts, yet Snape was the same foul, unpleasant bat Harry had always known. Only now he was a murderer.

They glared at each other for a moment, both refusing to speak first. Snape's eyes narrowed to the point that Harry wondered if his massive nose were in the way.

"Potter." Snape said, each syllable cutting like glass.

"Snape." Harry shot back. There was silence for a moment, tense and animous, broken only by the sound coming from the trees. Harry's glare deepened as he waited for Snape to respond. A few empty beats passed, but Snape never did. 

Harry stiffened his jaw in annoyance and spoke. "May I come in?"

Snape's eyes were hard, but he stepped back.

Reluctantly, Harry stepped directly into a tiny sitting room. The walls were lined at every point with bookshelves, making the room seem smaller than it actually was. A fireplace crowned the far side and Snape's actions were jerky as he reached above it and pulled down a tiny aluminum box. Floo powder. He turned abruptly to face Harry, his expression severe.

"Should anyone learn of this—." He threatened.

Harry's look was cool. "What? The Dark Lord doesn't know I'm here?"

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