Chapter 3

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Third Chapter! <3

Here it is (:

Sorry. I took forever to update this chapter, please don't hate me ): Thanks for all your comments from last time. I usaully answer to all of them in one big comment once I update the next chapter, so if I don't answer your comment right away don't think that I don't read it, becuase I do. I read all your comments & they leave a huge smile on face :D thanks so much for your support (: & I'm glad you like my story (:

_Brianna :D


~ Chapter 03 ~


Louis jumped up on couch with his pillow and began to swing wildly. Hitting Liam, Harry, Niall, Jess, and me all in one swing. For a pillow, that thing was pretty hard, or maybe it was just the amount of force Louis put into it, but all I know is that it hurt like hell. Zayn sat on the chair next to the couch grinning, dummy was in the safe zone.

"Watch it, Louis!" Harry says as he hits him back.

Louis falls on the couch rubbing the side of his head, "Ow! That hurt."

"Good, now, watch the movie." Liam says as he puts his arm around me.

"Nialler, stop hogging the popcorn, pass it here." Harry says reaching for the big blue bowl in Niall's lap.

Niall's too busy talking to Jess to even notice and Harry takes the bowl from him easily. We are watching Toy Story 2, Louis choice, of course. It's towards the end and almost finished and I was starting to get a bit bored. I looked over at Liam and caught him staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He answers, turning his attention back to the TV.

"When's your sister going to be home?" Harry asks as he shoves a hand full of popcorn in his mouth.

"Around twelve, why?" I ask.

I knew Harry has a developed a thing for my sister. Amanda was pretty, beautiful actually. She was way pretty than me, with a nicer body as well. I was a bit wide at the hips, but Amanda had such a tiny waist.

"Um, I was just wondering," he says, "why is she coming home so late?"

"She drives, Alexis, her friend home from work and stays there chatting for about a hour." I answer.

He nods and turns his attention back to the TV. I grab the bowl from him and see that the boys, mostly Niall, ate all the popcorn.

"I'm going to make some more popcorn." I announce.

"I'll come along." Liam says standing up.

Jess and Niall are too into each other to notice us. Harry and Louis are to into the movie to care and Zayn just doesn't care.

Liam and I walk into the kitchen and I take a bag of popcorn out from the cabinet and then put it in the microwave. I turn around to find Liam staring at me in that way that he does. Like I'm the only girl in the world.

"Liam?" I ask.


"Your staring at me again." I say.

He walks over to me. His eyes never leaving mine. He wraps his arms around my waist and the holds my face in his right hand and strokes my cheek.

"I can't help it, luv, your so beautiful."

Our faces are so close to each others and he looks down at my lips. I want to kiss him so badly. We both lean in our lips almost about to touch.


The microwave goes off and I jump back against the counter. Away from Liam and our kiss. I open the microwave and the popcorn bag. I pour it into the bowl and then throw away the bag. I hand Liam the bowl and we walk back to the living room. The movie has ended and Harry and Louis are fighting over the remote. I laugh as Louis jumps off the couch and sticks his tongue out at Harry. Zayn hits him with a pillow making him drop the remote. Zayn grabs it and starts to surf through the channels.

"Hey!" Louis says.

"Sorry, mate, loser weepers." Zayn says.

Liam hands the popcorn to Louis and we sit on the couch and cuddle up to Liam.

"It's a minute past twelve, where's your sister?" Harry asks.

"Harry, relax, she'll be here soon and then you can drool over here in person." I say smiling.

He sticks his tongue out at me and then turns to watch the TV again. Amanda soon comes home and that's when everyone starts to get tired. I sent Harry and Zayn to sleep in my room and Niall and Jess to sleep in Amanda's room I hand them sleeping bags that Liam helped me bring from downstairs and Amanda leads them toward my room on her way up to bed. Liam and I decide that we would just sleep in the living room. I spread out a blanket an two pillows on the floor and then we snuggle up on the floor together in the dark.

"Liam?" I ask.


"Are you staring at me again?" I ask smiling.

He laughs, "Of course, I am."

"Well, guess what I just realized." I says

"What?" He asked.

"I love when you look at me like that." I say.

Then our lips meet. Our kiss is gentle and it last for a minute, but as I look into his eyes I couldn't help but feel in love and that was only after one day with being with Liam Payne. I wonder how I would feel after week.

"Good night." I say.

"Night." He says.

I snuggle up against him as he puts his arm around me and I lay on his chest. He begins to play with my hair and I listen to his claim heart beat and slow breathing as I fall asleep. Thinking of Liam.


Did you like it? Was it good? I know it's short, but I updated earlier than I said I would soo.. Yeah (: lol I'll still be updating on Saturday, I just wanted to update earlier (:

Should I continue??

_Brianna xxx

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