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Ugh, she felt like she was getting a lobotomy. Groaning like an old man who fell, Erika lifted herself, eyes squeezed shut as she raised a hand to her forehead.

"What in the actual--" She gasped, remembering the sword on the bus. "Oh right! Damn."

She was in an unfamiliar room, erm, at least it seems like a room, but it looked more like a greenhouse. Light shone in from the custom windows of the building structure. It was bright and seemed to glow. Not because of the light shining, but because of it seems like...magic.

Pfft. Magic? Magic didn't exist, last time Erika checked...which when she was thirteen, but now that she thought about it, the air was very weird.

The silvery glint of reflecting light stung her retinas. Rapidly blinking and shielding her eyes with her left hand, she noticed it was the sword. That damned sword! Erika gritted her teeth. Someone must have knocked her unconscious while she was distracted by the special effects light show.

"Who in the hell would want to kidnap me?!" Erika let out, scrambling to her, stumbling away from the taunting blade.

She glared harshly at it, not wanting it to implode like before. Her body was tense, ready run if needed. The room distracted her, again. Erika wondered where in the heck the door was. The glass reflection the various, alien plants the greenhouse contained. Don't even get me started on how weird they were. Okay, you've done it. Some were large, some were bigger than large. Some had polka dotted petals, some were spikey, some looked wilted, but were vibrant and healthy in color.

A short whirring noise brought Erika back to reality. A scream left her lips seeing the sword lift into the air, strong gusts of hot wind whipped at her hair and clothes. The girl threw her arms up to protect herself from the gusts.

The winds died as quickly as they came, and cool metal brushed and laid around her throat. Erika blinked, lowering her arms, her hands stopping at her chest, where a tiny sword pendant adorned a silver chain. This certainly wasn't here before. She grabbed the pendant and began examining it closely, the tiny blade centimeters away from her eyeball, she realized it was the same sword that knocked her unconscious.

"Oh, hell naw!" Erika grunted, trying to tug the necklace from around her neck, harshly, I should add.

Her skin throbbed with stinging pains as she refused to let her determination down.

"!" She yelled with struggled gurgles. "Stupid thing!!!" Erika let go of the chain, pain bursting on her palms, or at least her left one. There was a messy cut, not very deep, but crimson blood seeped from the injury. It was like a large paper cut, but slightly more painful.

"Jesus Christ!!" Erika cursed out as the cut began throbbing now.

As much as she wanted to get the chain off, she had to get out of this place, wherever this place was.

Scuttling toward the open doorway on the other side of the greenhouse. Her shoes scraped and crunched dead leaves and petals that were scattered aimlessly on the floor.

Erika picked up her pace. She always cut gym in school, and she probably hadn't done it, just by jogging, she felt the small ache in her legs. Okay, I give. She's attended a few gym classes. Erika actually has great endurance, thanks to her late grandmother who made her do gymnastics as a kid.

Erika slipped through the doorway, only to be bulldozed by something.

She squawked, thinking she was going to face plant into the floor. A large and warm hand grabbed her upper arm before she even came close to falling.

"Careful." A monotonous voice husked out into her ears.

Golden meet grey.

He had teal-green hair; the left side of his head was shaved, with two distinctive lightning marks cut into his hairline. The rest of his hair was fluffed to the right, falling over his piercing eye.

He stared down at her for what felt like an eternity.

He's like a hot anime guy!! Erika gushed on the inside. She couldn't help but blush.

She's met plenty enough attractive men in her short career, but this guy couldn't have a candle held to him by those others.

"Th-thanks," Erika muttered, righting her balance. That was when the handsome stranger let her arm go. "Uh...d-do you know where--"

"No. I suddenly found myself here." He interrupted her before she could finish her question.

Oh. Well then. Erika bit her lip. Well, if he's lost too, could he have been brought by the same person?

That begs a question, "Were you also kidnapped by a glowing sword?" She pinched the pendant between her thumb and index fingertips.

He looked at the pendant in puzzlement, well more at her comment.

"Kidnapped...?" He began slowly.

"Yes, it was on my bus, so I thought my friend was using it to cosplay, but then it glowed and knocked me out. It was crazy! I woke up in this place, " Erika let the necklace go and jabbed her thumb behind her.

The man seemed to have trouble processing her words. "Cosplay? Bus?" He brought a hand to his chin as if trying to solve an impossible riddle.

"You do know what those are, right?" She pondered at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Not really." He frowned at her, dropping his arms to his sides.

Oh. "Here I am talking to you, and you don't know my name!" She quickly bounced to something different. "I'm Erika Gales, nice to meet you...?"

"Thor." He introduced, unmoving as she held her hand out for him to shake.

"Thor...from mythology?" She thought aloud.

"Yes. I am the God of Thunder." He easily said.

Does this guy think he's a God? Man, why do I run into those kinds of men? Erika groaned internally.

"Did you come here with someone?" Thor asked, glancing over her head.

"No. Did you?"

He nodded, "Balder and Loki. I'm searching for them."

Balder and Loki? So they prefer to themselves as Gods, too? Erika asked herself.

"I could help you find them!" She burst suddenly, blushing immediately after, "Well, since I don't have anything better to do than being confused about my whereabouts." Erika offered.

"If you insist." He said after a few intense moments of silence.

They started off down the hall in silence, in search of the men with God names.

Erika just wanted to be returned to her tour bus; her friends/bandmates will grow worried if she doesn't turn up. Not to mention, she didn't have her phone on her!

Ugh...what in the hell was going on!?

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