High School Graduate...Goes to School Again? Pt. 2

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Hope y'all enjoy this!!

Erika felt like she was going to implode with frustration. She had no idea where she was going. Every corner she turned only made her think that she was stuck in a maze. The halls looked the same.

That stupid Chesire guy caught her completely off guard! Her mind was still hazy after that candy thing exploded in her face. She was still coughing like a chain smoker hooked to an air machine.

"I swear I'm gonna sock that guy in the face if I see him again!" Erika growled whilst stomping around another corner.

In the midst of her ranting stroll, Erika heeds to notice the mystical whirring and glowing of her body. She pauses her incoherent rant, glances around her, hearing the faint whirring. The light-emitting girl only realized the glow she had until it was too late. 

"Not again—OOF!

In the midst of her brief freakout, Erika finds herself in a very large room with a giant staircase. Dizziness overtakes her for a mere second. Stumbling forward a little, Erika nearly bleches any containment within her stomach out. 

"Okay, that hurt..." Erika grimaces, nauseated, slowly knelt down, plopping her happy butt on the ground. Blinking, the blonde attempted to grasp her surroundings. There were many pairs of eyes focused on her, for the moment. Some of the eyes she had recognized. Thor, Loki, and Balder, and then there was Yui. She didn't acknowledge the others, and quite frankly, she didn't want to.

"Erika-san!" Yui, expressing her concern for the American girl, hurried over to her ill-like state, kneeling next to her. "Are you okay?" She added.

"Now, that everyone is here, " That detested voice Erika hoped to have never heard again boomed out. Why did the universe hate her so? 

As the man spoke, Erika glared up at his form with mild disgust. How could he drag her here, demanding she'd play his game and dismissively waves off the fact of forceful imprisonment. She doubts he cared about what she and his other victims thought. As long as they allow themselves to be his puppets.

And she certainly wasn't going to give him the pleasure.

Zeus began to name off--she assumed the jaw-droppingly hot men that scattered through the room--one by one.



Apollon---yes, with an "n".




Takeru Totsuka---okay, if he was a God, Erika didn't know, she didn't recognize the name at all, sadly.

Tsukito Totsuka.

From the balcony above, where the three men Erika had encountered earlier had stood. Loki. Erika felt her anger bubble up. She still was gonna punch in those pretty blue eyes of his.

". . .all learn about humans to revive the ancient links of gods and humanity."

Pardon? This guy wasn't just crazy--he's psycho! Erika, as soon as she became well enough, got to her feet, slowly because she didn't want to faint.

Opening her mouth to protest, nothing came out except Loki's voice.

"Do you really think we're just gonna play your little game?" The redhead casually held up a hand as he peered over his shoulder.

"Return me and my brother to our world!" That Takeru guy demanded.

Erika stilled, feeling suddenly overpowered. Maybe it was just a wave of emotions, or maybe she was dizzy again.

"Or else. . ." Takeru growled, the floor at his feet brightening to a blue.

"There'll be hell to pay!" Loki's excited yell.

Holy shit! Erika nearly screamed seeing the fire explode from the redhead's hand. He jumped from the balcony as Takeru flies toward Zeus, both quite hostile.

Zeus stood on the stairs, calm. He lifted his staff, hitting the butt on the ground. And just before the two gods reached him, light surrounded the older man, zapping noises buzz through the air like sonic booms.

Loki and the blue-haired guy are sent flying back.

"Oof!" The blue-haired guy falls right on his ass, whereas Loki lands on his feet, like a cat.

Golden light splits, shooting out at the males in the room. Erika didn't exactly know what was sent, but she could tell they reacted.

Loki, now having a necklace hanging around his throat, trying to take off the trinket.

"What the hell?!" He exclaimed. "It won't come off!"

Erika is suddenly reminded of the necklace she was "gifted" with. The chain against her skin becomes hot.

"Using your divine powers indiscriminately will tear this Garden apart. These shackles suppress the danger that entraps us."

"This isn't funny, Zeus!"  The dark gray-haired man growls.

"I am far from making jester, brother, " Zeus responded with a grin. "Perhaps you should look toward the young ladies who will be responsible for your graduations."

Erika flinched as the man's powerful gold eyes pierce through her. The teenager couldn't help but feel very threatened, just under his gaze.

All of this is bullshit, Erika wanted to scream out. What good would it do her now that this old, literal high and mighty guy officially kneaded her into his 'grand plan'. Her mind swerved in so many directions, she couldn't focus on a single thought. A silent frenzy, you could call it.

"Perhaps I should also mention this: if you do not succeed to increase in knowledge, you will be stuck here for eternity."

"What?!" Erika exclaimed, clearly voicing everyone's reactions.

"Kusanagi Yui, Erika Gales, by the end of the school year, you will have succeeded as these god's mentors. You will mingle amongst classmates and learn side-by-side."

"What classmates?" Yui spoke up immediately.

Classmates? Big school, ten-odd something students. Surely it won't work out---Erika's thought was interrupted when Zeus hit the end of his staff on the ground once again.

"Whoa!" Erika gasps, eyes widening as dozens of teenage-like people. . .er. . .things. . .appear from thin air in school uniforms.

"Thoth will brief you girls with certain expectations."

Thoth? Who is Thoth?

A towering man with dark olive skin walks from behind one of the large pillars. His jacket hung on his rather broad shoulders. He had light-colored pants and snakeskin boots. He also had one of those bifocal things.

Oh, my holy hammies. . .he's gorgeous! Gorgeous would be an understatement, honestly.

Erika didn't have time to soak in the handsome man's appearance when Yui walked past her. Well, shit!

The blonde scurried quickly behind the purple-haired teen.

After all that's went on, Erika only had one challenge left: graduating high school again.

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