A Recipe for Disaster.

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Despite all the doubtful thoughts swirling within her head, Erika slowly started to believe she was kidnapped by an alien ship and they were injecting their hallucination serums into her brain, and that she was unconscious now.

Erika rubbed her arms. Goosebumps broke out and so did the shivers. Well, there goes that theory. If she could feel cold, then she was awake, well not entirely. Everything she's seen so far, she could've been dreaming. This stuff couldn't possibly be real.

And that's not even including---

Erika Gales.

Erika gasped, stopping abruptly in the hall. Thor, who had really probably didn't care, stopped only several feet away to look back at her. 

"Are you not feeling well?" Erika thought he was going to be all concerned and help out-- not that he could do much--but, no. "If you don't feel well, I will search for my acquaintances alone."

Rude, she thought. If she could, she'd uppercut him, but she had a feeling he was stronger than he looked.

Taking a deep breath, she tried her best to not whack the male with her lefty. "I'm fine---"

Light abruptly emitted from her body, causing both people to react. Erika more than Thor.

Erika could've compared this feeling to someone who had their brights on when they didn't need to, or when fans or paparazzi had their camera flashes on with the addition was the extremely hot feeling bubbling win her entire torso.

Before she knew it, she wasn't standing in a hallway anymore.

Thor blinked at the now empty spot the girl was standing. That's strange. Did she like being near him? People don't usually implode minutes after meeting him.

"Hello, Erika Gales, Kusanagi Yui."

Erika ignored the voice and immediately observed her surroundings. The only thing she compares this room to was an old Greek...throne room? Did Ancient Greece even have throne rooms?

"Excuse me, Erika Gales!" That booming voice, the one that's been calling to her since the bus. It shook the Greek pillars and ivy that clung to the structures.

The blonde snapped her head, only for her eyes to widen like saucers. He was very, very handsome. Amber-gold eyes, golden blonde hair....that was in a half a man-bun. Okay. She lost any physical attraction. What was it with guys and man-buns?

He wore red robes, with like Lord of the Rings kind of cloak or whatever. She was getting Pop Cultural vibes and then wondered if she was being pranked, again. Not again-again, like the thought of being pranked again. It was in her mind and all of this could've been a prank.

Erika saw another figure from her periapical vision and turned to see who it was.

The girl was very pretty, but more like an average pretty, whereas the man on the throne had the hotness of an anime guy...yeah. The girl had strange purple-colored hair and big brown eyes that reminded Erika of a deer in the headlights. She wore puffed shorts, a sweater blouse with a white collar, and-- in Erika's dismay-- white cowgirl boots. The rock singer squinted suspiciously at her, she normally wouldn't care about other's fashion styles, but who wears boots like that with such an outfit that actually had the potential to be cute? But before Erika could make any fashion opinions, she noticed an identical sword pendant necklace around her neck, resting above her small bumped chest.

Was she kidnapped by the sword like she was?

The clashing of metal on stone sharply gained Erika's attention again.

"You seem to lack attentive." The man spoke, a sly grin splitting his stubbed beard/mustache.

"Anatahadare? Koko wa doko?" The other girl spoke. {Who are you? Where am I?}

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