01 - Voyage

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"Hyung, is everything alright? You look off today"


Love Yourself Tour. That is the title of their new world tour for that year. The year of 2018. Their world tour of course will first be held in their home country, South Korea. 3 months. That is the time for their preparation. They got three months to be prepared for Love Yourself Tour in South Korea. Of course there were lots of obstacles when they were preparing for the concert. Jungkook and Hoseok got sore throat from too much singing practice. Jin injured himself, spraining his leg until he need to wear an orthopedic cast on his right leg.

However with the three months of preparation, they slowly overcoming those obstacles. Jungkook and Hoseok were told to take care of their throat condition. Jin was taken to the hospital few times for further check up and the others too were frequently being check up by the staffs. During the rehearsal for the concert, of course Jin was excluded from joining the choreograph, he was told to just take a seat at the corner while singing his part but who could prevent the stubborn Jin? Of course no one could. Jin, he didn't follow the order. He joined the others from time to time but he dance lightly, taking care of himself so that he didn't make it worst and disturb the flow of everything.

After three months of preparation, the day of their Love Yourself Tour in Seoul was held and everything went smooth. No accidents happened, no mistakes, no big burdens, it is just them enjoying themselves with the fans. Them entertaining the fans. Them giving their all for the hardworking staffs and the their lovely fans. After their first Love Yourself Tour Concert finished, the company give them about two months of free time before continuing their next concert in other countries. During the free time of two months, they decided to go on a vacation while filming for the new season of Bon Voyage.

About three days after they finished their first concert, they were told to gather at the meeting room to discuss about the filming of Bon Voyage, the place, the activities and all. Together all seven of them including the staffs in charge with the filming discuss for about two and a half hours. They choose to go somewhere, somewhere far. The place where barely people know them, the place that all of the people there are minding their business, the place without fans shoving their camera lenses right in front of their face. Malta. They choose Malta.

It was a day before they flew to Malta that all of them received a sudden news. Taehyung. Taehyung couldn't go there with them. He has something to do, something personal to do. Honestly all seven of them already packed their own things for their vacation including Taehyung too, but the sudden news came. Everyone wanted to cancel the trip and just spent their free time in their home country but Taehyung reassured them that he will be alright here alone.

Besides, they already planned the whole thing together with the staffs. It will effect the staffs. If they are by themselves, the whole vacation is by themselves without involving those many staffs, they will not feeling so down and guilty because it is just them but now, every is already planned. Everything, involving so many staffs. The filming for Bon Voyage too will be affected. So, when the night approaching the same day as they received a news about Taehyung couldn't go, everyone, all seven of them gathered at the living room.

They had a long talk. Taehyung reassured them that everything will be alright. He told them that they have to go no matter what because if they aren't, then the whole team, the staffs will be affected and besides, they, themselves aren't really sure if they will have time again to do all those things while filming the Bon Voyage again because their schedules will be so pack with practicing and their new world tour. He will be alright here alone, Taehyung will. It is not a really long vacation though. Just a five-days vacation.

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