04 - Concern

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"He won't talk about it"


After awhile of light training, the professionals instructed them to go deeper, about more than ten metres from the surface. Jin is swimming near to where Yoongi is sitting. Well, not only Jin, the members are always swimming here and there. Then, out of sudden Jungkook pulls out Jin from underwater in rush and struggling a bit while the latter is coughing violently. That, making everyone alert.

As Jungkook is dragging Jin to the closest pool side which is at where Yoongi is sitting, right at that time Yoongi didn't care about anything. He didn't care about the clothes he is wearing getting wet, he didn't care about the mic he is wearing and he didn't care about anything. There is only one thing on his mind. Jin. Only Jin. As Jungkook is closer, Yoongi quickly helps them, pulling Jin out of the water. Clothes getting wet and all. He didn't care at all.

As Jin is out of the water, two professional trainers who are sitting at the bench there, out of the water at that time rush closer to where Jin, Jungkook and Yoongi are. Chaotic? Maybe that is the right word to describe the situation. Both Yoongi and Jungkook are shouting at someone or something.

Right after Jin is out of the water, both Yoongi and Jungkook take off the tank and all while Jin is still coughing and during that time too Jungkook almost punch and push the camera men into the pool as they are crowding them, shoving the cameras right in front of their faces, making them harder to help Jin.

"STOP FILMING!" Yoongi shouts as he is struggling to take off the oxygen tank from Jin.

The other members at that time are honestly didn't know anything. Of course they didn't know anything, they were under the water focusing on their trainers when that scene happened. It was when they heard the chaotic noise and they notice all the trainers underwater with them instructed them to be out of water, that, when they knew something is happening.

As the other two trainers that were out of water is kneeling and helping Jin taking off the tank, Yoongi and Jungkook had enough. They shove the camera men away, some are tripping down, some are losing their balance. Whatever. They didn't care.

"STOP FILMING!" Yoongi once again says with firm tone and cold eyes.

Right after shouting those words, Yoongi kneels back beside Jin who is vomiting the all the water he swallowed. He rubs the eldest back gently. One of the trainers there is on the phone, talking to someone in rush and the other one is kneeling too at the other side of Jin with Jin's hand in her hand. She rolls up the sleeve of the swim wear on Jin's hand and search for a pulse point before gently setting her fingers there. Jungkook with water dripping down his hair is watching from the back, clearly scared and shivering while the other members are rushing closer to them.

"He needs to go to the hospital" the trainer says to everyone.

In the span of two minutes or maybe lesser, right after Jin finished vomiting all the water, he was pull away from the members and their crew, leaving them clueless. Sejin and Hobeom went away with Jin. As they walk away, the members watch everything without muttering anything. The managers held Jin gently as Jin is walking weakly.

Rapid heart beating? Is it the right words to describe the other six members' heart beat? They didn't know but yes, their heart is beating faster than usual as they still in shock. It was about ten minutes after Jin, the two managers and the trainer walk away and still Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook didn't even move a single step from their spot. Still shaken until their other manager snaps them out of their mind into the reality.

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