02 - Fortuitous

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"I don't feel good, it's better for you to drive"


Then together they eat their food. Jin munching it slowly and also play with the food while Namjoon eat like the usual Kim Namjoon did. Spilling something here and there a little.

"If that sauce spill onto my face or even worst, my eyes, you are going to be dead Kim Namjoon" Jin says while watching Namjoon.

"Not gonna spill anything onto you hyung, don't worry" Namjoon replies shortly after that.

And right at that moment, some sauce spill onto Jin's hand. Namjoon eyes Jin and Jin eyes him. Both put emotionless face. Namjoon is trying to hold his laugh while wiping the sauce on Jin's hand. Smile is on their face while both being silent. And after a few seconds, Namjoon burst out and laugh which cause Jin to laugh too.

"Don't make me laugh, my stomach hurts" Jin says in between his laugh.

"I'm sorry hyung, I didn't mean that" Namjoon replies, trying to hold back his laugh and putting a force smile onto his face.

After awhile, Namjoon almost finished his food and Jin, barely half of his plate was gone.

"Namjoon, do you want some? I don't think I can finish it" Jin says while the younger is munching his food quietly.

"Does it taste no good?" Namjoon asks.

"No, it's good" Jin says.

"Alright then-"

"and here, have some of mine too" Namjoon says while putting some of his food onto Jin's plate.

Jin smiles.

"Eat that first then you can go back to sleep" Namjoon demands.

And Jin eat it. Thankfully it is not that much. After that he stay up for a bit before finally decided to go back to his peaceful sleep again.


When they arrived there, the first thing they did is, gathering while cameras filming them. Not those fanatic fans' cameras but their staffs cameras. The cameras of the staffs from the Bon Voyage crew. They started opening up talking about their feeling and all before proceeding straight to settle things. Renting cars. They settle it by themselves. Not that it takes a lot of time though, well, maybe yes, it takes a lot of time because they themselves are busy clowning themselves and arguing about who will take the responsibility of renting the cars.

After some time of talking, Jin finally step in taking the responsibility as he feels like they are wasting time especially when he is having a stomach pain and also headache. Then Jungkook joins him and together both of them settle the thing together. When they got the car keys, they divided themselves into two teams. Jungkook with Jimin and Namjoon, Jin with Yoongi and Hoseok. So together all of them walk straight to the car.

"Aren't you going to drive hyung?" Hoseok asks as suddenly Jin grabs his hand and put keys in the younger's hand.

"I don't feel good, it's better for you to drive" Jin says.

So by that, Hoseok took the responsibility as the driver of their team. Honestly Jin thought they are going straight to the house they rent but yeah, he is too busy daydreaming and he didn't hear what all of them and the staffs were talking about awhile ago. A restaurant instead of the house.

"I don't see any possible view of the house here? Is it really the place?" Jin asks.

"We are going to eat first" Yoongi replies from the back seat to Jin.

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