05 - Final : Echo

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"What happened that day hyung?"


Actually the others were not sleeping at that time, it just Jin since he had a bad cold that day. The remaining six members were awake in their room doing something. Jimin announce the news to them through the group chat, noticing the other members. It was just about three hours since they finished the fan meeting and the news come out. So Jimin quietly pack all of his things with the help of Jungkook. Before Jimin left, he greet all the other members except for Jin.

When Jin woke up in daze, looking at Jungkook sprawling on the bed beside his, watching something on the tv, he felt off. The room was too quiet and he can't find Jimin from his view. Just after he woke up, he went straight to the bathroom and refreshing himself before sitting back on the bed looking everywhere in the room with a little cough from time to time.

"Where is Jimin?" Jin asked Jungkook as he couldn't find Jimin's luggage.

"Home" Jungkook replied

"I'm not joking Jungkook-" Jin said, coughing a bit before continuing his words "Where is Jimin?"

"I'm not lying hyung, Jimin hyung is already home at the dorm" Jungkook replied.

There were still about two hours before they have to go to the airport and this Jeon Jungkook really said that Jimin is already at the dorm? It took Jin awhile to finally believed it when he opened his phone and read the group chat. Looking pissed, looking mad, Jin really have too many words to spill but of course he hold on. He didn't want to spill everything on Jungkook when he clearly knew that Jungkook isn't the one at fault. So Jin waited for the whole solid two hours, he really waited for that long until all of them gather at the private waiting area in the airport to spill everything.

"Why no one wakes me up when Jimin left?" Jin said in his stern tone, hands folding to his chest.

"You were sleeping, you look-" Hoseok replied.

"So what if I was sleeping? Why can't you wake me up?" Jin said again.

"You look tired and Jimin too didn't want to disturb you" Hoseok replied on behalf of the others.

"It was not fun when you woke up and felt something was off. You don't know how worried am I when I can't figure out where was Jimin" Jin stated, clearly still pissed off.

By that, for the whole week Jin was mad at them. Not only Jimin but all of them.

Back to present, when Yoongi's eyes meet Hoseok's and Namjoon's both of them nod their head at Yoongi as a sign to inform Jin about him leaving to Seoul. With a sigh, Yoongi slowly walks closer and finally kneeling on the floor eyeing Jin.

"Jin hyung"

"Seokjin hyung"

"Jin" Yoongi says again and again with his hand tapping the eldest shoulder.

"What?" Jin replies with his hoarse voice.

"I'm going back" Yoongi says.

And Jin blinking his eyes open fully enough before he tries to sit up on the couch.

"It's okay hyung, you can go back to sleep" Yoongi says, stopping Jin from sitting up.

"Do you want me to send you to the airport" Jin replies, yawning.

"No hyung, it's okay, just rest here. Hobi and Jimin are going to send me, the rest will be here with you" Yoongi says.

Jin nods with his still sleepy eyes.

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