Chapter 1: Reduced To Atoms

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Tony and Nebula were sitting across from each other on the table as you and these two resided in the Benatar, while you sat at the end of the table. Tony was teaching Nebula how to play paper football as he had a folded triangular paper and flicks it but Nebula kept trying to grab it instead of making her hands into the shape of a goal post.

"You don't need to do that, because you're just holding the position." Tony instructs as he shows her how to do it. "Come on." He said and she takes the paper and flicks it but just hits the side of his finger. "That was close." You said as Tony hands her the paper then sets his hands up as a goal again. She flicks it and it hits the middle. "That's a goal. We're now one a-piece." He said to her. "I would like to try again." Nebula said and Tony nods and the three of you rotated and played against each other for awhile

"Alright, Space Ace, show me what you got." Tony said to you while you rolled your eyes at his comment and you flicked the paper football and it flies over his fingers. "That was impressive." He said and you chuckle. "I used to play this alot with...." you stop and swallowed before you finished. "I used to play this game when I was a kid at school." Tony nods at you and all of you continued the game.

"Now you have a chance to win." Tony said to Nebula, sometime later, and she leans forward and flicks her football and it goes over Tony's goal post. "And you won. Congratulations." Tony said to Nebula, who stands up straighter in shock. "Fair game. Good sport." Tony said as he holds his hand out to her and she shakes it. You reach your hand out to her and she shakes your hand. "You had fun?" You asked her. "It was fun." She replied and you nodded at her.

It had been 22 days since you, Tony and Nebula left Titan and tried to make your way back to Earth. So you three were flying through space until recently the ship ran out of gas. And now the food was out since you and Nebula gave the last bit of food to Tony, who needed it the most as he had gotten an infection. Oxygen was about to go out also. You were really hungry as well but Tony needed it more, even though you felt like you could eat anything and everything in sight. The three of you tried to repair the ship as best as you could, but it still didn't help.

You sit against a wall, as you started to feel alittle dizzy, and let out a sigh then looked down at the ring on your finger. You smiled down at it until a tear falls down on your face. You wipe it away and sniffled then pulled your knees up to your chest and placed your forehead on your knees then wrapped your arms around you.

After sitting like that for awhile, you decided to get up and walk over to the main area of the ship to find Tony asleep on the floor, holding his mask. You look down at him with pity as you bend down and help him up off of the ground. You carry him over to one of the chairs and set him down gently before you walk over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Then you look down at the ground in sadness and walk away from him when suddenly, a bright yellow light shines through the dark void of space. You look at it in confusion as the large yellow glow flies up to the ship. You walk over to it just as the glow dissipates to reveal a blonde woman wearing a red and blue and gold jumpsuit. You and her make eye contact as you look at her, pleadingly. "Help us." You begged as you see her have a look of sympathy on her face.

Eventually, Carol Danvers was able to bring you, Nebula and Tony back to Earth as she carries the ship and lands it right in front of Avengers headquarters, where Rhodey, Steve, Pepper, Natasha, Rocket and Bruce run out. The back hatch of the plane opens and you and Nebula help carry Tony out of the ship as Steve runs over to the ship to meet up with Tony. "I couldn’t stop him." Tony said to Steve once you and Nebula help him walk out of the ship.

"Neither could I." Steve said. "I lost the kid." Tony said, referring to Peter. "Tony, we lost." Steve said and Tony gives a slight nod until Pepper runs up to him. "Oh my God!" She cries and the two hug each other. Pepper cries into his shoulder as he kisses the side of her head and the two walk away, Steve following them. "(Y/n)?" A voice said and you look over and see Rocket walking towards you. "Rocket...." you said, with relief, and he comes over to you, quickly, as you kneel down and the two of you hug each other.

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