Dicen que los ojos más grandes tienen más dolor y sufrimiento.
Que sus sonrisas esconden muecas.
Toda su persona grita lo contrario de lo que presentan.
Y sabiendo esto, no puedes parar o ver a tus amigos mirarlos a los ojos.
Verás la verdad.
No es un secreto, siempre hubo pistas.
Nunca te diste cuenta.
I know it's been a little minutes since I've updated, but I thought it was a great idea to come back with something powerful and thought provoking. At least to me, it is. I have been dealing with a lot of mess this past month that really made me sit down and look at my life, my friends, my job, and so on so forth.
I made me quite a few accomplishments, but I am still not where I want to be in life. Am I the only one who feels this way? I don't know. Welp, until next time. I might double update. Who knows lol .
Oh. Almost forgot to translate it for you! :
Sad Eyes
They say that bigger eyes have more pain and suffering. That their smiles hide grimaces. His whole person screams the opposite of what they present. And knowing this, you can not stop or see your friends look them in the eyes. You will see the truth. It's not a secret, there were always clues. You never noticed.
PoezieA wild ride through my minds eye. Basically a bunch of my poems or writings. No real reason for this other than displaying my works lol. Some of these are from middle school. And I will be switching from language to language #multi-linguism You hav...