Chapter 7 Blackouts

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As the dawn crept over the horizon, inch by inch its light was pouring over their terrace balcony. And as the morning hours ticked by, its light would make its final resting place, flooding Link and Zelda's quarters. Link, who was still in a peaceful slumber, felt the morning glare as it burned through his eyelids, instantly he awoke in a crazed fluster. As he shot up out of bed, dazed and confused due to the lingering effects of the Lunar Tear Potion, he stumbled out of bed in a flurry of emotion. Damn it, I overslept! How could I have let this happen? Where is Zelda? he thought to himself as he noticed she was gone, with her bed neatly made.

As he raced to throw on whatever traveling clothes he could find in moments hurry, he rushed out of the room looking for Zelda, not caring about what sort of clothes he had on or if he had any clothes on at all.

He realized by judging the position of the sun, that it must have been nearly noon. So in a panic, he ran down the intertwine bridges to where he thought Zelda and the others might have been. Surely, she wouldn't leave the safety of the Domain without her most trusted escort, right? he thought to himself.

His best guess at this point was to head back to the banquet hall. He figured they were all still having lunch before they made their trek to visit Divine Beast Vah Ruta. But then again, Link secretly hoped they were having lunch, he was famished to say the least.

Zelda, who was sitting beside Sidon, Riju, Teba, Yunobo and the others was in-fact having their mid-day meal, just as Link suspected. The group were all seated at a long table. They were just finishing up their lunch as the double doors that led into the banquet hall barged open, revealing the late knight. A hush fell over them, some of them even tried fighting back laughter after seeing Link stand there, seemingly half asleep and disheveled.

"Well, good morning Link, so nice of you to join us," Zelda smiled with squinted eyes. A few faint giggles then escaped the side of her lips as she gazed upon his state of dress. Link confused by all the blank and awkward stares at him, looked down at himself to see what all the fuss was about. He was wearing a casual hylian tunic, which was appropriate to say the least, but his trousers were the same he slept in. With his mistake realized, his face went cherry red. They were noticeably night trousers, soft and loose, with patchwork done to them in certain parts.

"Well, it's not the worst I've seen him dressed in, that's for sure!" Riju blurted out, breaking the silence. The crowd erupted in laughter. Link not wanting to be the butt of anyone's jokes, lifted his head high and did a cool smirk towards them all. He wore his mistake proudly, unaffected by their laughs.

"It's alright Link, we all had mornings like that, even though we would never like to admit it. Come, sit, and eat," Sidon chimed in, coming to his defense as he hushed everyone in attendance.

But before Sidon had a chance to glance over the leftover meals that were laid before him, he realized he must of spoke too soon. There was no longer any lunch to be given at all. It had already been devoured by the hungry guests. Sidon's face went pale and apologetic as he stared back at Link, dumbfounded by the scrap morsels that were left on the plates.

"Well, it's as they say, the early bird gets the worm," Zelda said with another smirk, teasing Link who was left without a breakfast or lunch. She then arose from the table and continued. "Well, now that my noble knight is here, we should make our way towards Ruta, "she said. Everyone gathered also rose up from their seats after her, in a show of reverence.

"Do you need us to accompany you dear princess?" Riju asked in a more serious voice as she leaned in towards Zelda, who was making her way towards the doorway to stand alongside her wonderful, late knight.

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