The Beginning

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Reena pov
I was walking down the street to this new bar that opened yesterday with my friend Ems (wich is short for Emma), the bar we where going to was kind of a bdsm bar... I mean can you blame me? Bdsm is fucking hot! Either way I'm a sub and single right now wich is why Ems is practically dragging me into this bar (I mean we all have that one friend that tries to make you go outside) luckily Ems knows I'm gay and a sub so if she tries to put me with anyone she won't choose guys

We walked a bit more and then stopped at a big bar wich I think was the one so we entered.
At the entrance a lady took us aside to ask a few questions like if we where a dom,visitor,mommy/daddy, little, sub, gay or straight (if we knew) and the last one was how old we are I was pretty confused but Emma explained that everyone who enters gets a pass like necklace that has those informations on it so that it's easier to find someone like you( if you know what I mean😏) , when the passes were done I looked at it, it said

. 19 y/o
. Submissive
. Gay
. Women

I put it on and Emma put hers on and we walked inside

Demi's pov
Marrisa is bringing me to this new bdsm bar close to us because since me and wilmer broke up I haven't left the house.also while I was dating wilmer I realised that I'm a 100% a dom and definetly bi..... luckily marisa knows. I put a pair of back jeans, a white crop top and some black heals to go with it on.we got there a little early but that didn't stop marissa from finding a guy the moment we entered! Great my bff just left me🙄, I see these two girls walk in and take a seat at the bar area,

one of the girls looked about 18 while the other looked a bit older,the older one was wearing something really cute/baby ish wich made my mind instantly believe she was a little but I can't jump on any conclusions yet, I don't even know this girls name.... Yet ( ;

She noticed me starring and I saw a faint blush on her face.This is my chance! I walked up to her with a small smirk forming while she quickly stood up and excused herself to go to the bathroom

Reena pov
When me and Ems were inside we went to the bar area, Emma insisted on a shot so we ordered one. while she was ordering I felt like someone was watching me so I turned around to see a beautiful small women with black short hair she wasn't really tall herself but she was in heals to cover her hight up. She was wearing something really scandalous wich I instantly blushed to and tried to look away (idk if she saw it though) she started walking up to me and in the middle of panick I just excused myself and quickly went into the bathroom

hey I know no one will probably read this but if you did read everything thank youuu so much! Please comment/vote if you do want more!💖And any ideas on how I can improve?

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