Food Wars

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'are you okay baby? We don't need you to choke on water' mommy purred to me

'y-yeah I'm okay' I replied

'good, let's go get you into your pyjamas and to bed' demi says

So she's just going to work me up and not do anything?

'b-but what about my other surprise?!' I say

'it's okay baby, I can tell you're tired, we can do it tomorrow' she smiles at me

'hmmm okay then but..... you pinky promise?' I ask

'yes I pinky promise' demi said while Lauren just looked at me with a grin/smirk

'okie!' I went upstairs, put on my pyjamas, brushed my teeth and went to bed with my phone, waiting for demi to come upstairs

About thirty minutes later she was in bed with me cuddling

The next day

'good morning baby, can you open those pretty eyes for me' I hear mommy say

*opens eyes*

'there's my little girl!' demi says to me laying down next to me with a big smile on her face

This women truly is my soulmate

'I love you so much demi' I say

'I love you more Reena' she replies still smiling

'let's get you up and ready to go to the park, does that sound good?' demi asks me

'uhm is it okay if I'm big right now?' I ask shyly

'that's okay babe no problem! Well then what about a lazy movie day?' she asks me

'perfect!' I say giggling

I get up and throw on a hoodie and shorts, I do my business in the bathroom while demi went to go make breakfast

When I was done I quickly went downstairs to eat my breakfast

'I made something simple today so you got a choice of cereal or one of my famous turkey tuna sandwiches!' demi tells me when I came downstairs

'famous turkey tuna sandwich? What even is that' I reply laughing

just then Lauren came down stairs in a pair of sweatpants and a sports bra....

'IT'S CURSED DON'T EAT IT' she yells

'NO IT'S NOT, YOU'RE JUST DRAMATIC!' demi yelled back

'what??' I say while laughing my ass off

'Lauren is jealous because I can cook and have a special recipe that she doesn't know!' demi says

'special recipe? That sandwich tastes like the cursed version of Gordon Ramsey made it!' she says while turning to me

'no it does not!' demi says

'okay okay well then can I be the judge of that?' I ask them

'are you proposing what I think you are babe?' demi asks me

'I don't know,maybe.... what are you thinking?' I ask her with a grin in my face

'food tasting competition?!' Lauren says

'right now??' demi asks

'well then yes!, you both make something and I will be the judge of it!' I say

'wait!, what does the winner get??' demi asks

'uhmm I actually don't know.... Lauren?' I ask Lauren

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