Let's Settle It down

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Reenas pov

We ate breakfast which was DELICIOUS and moma also told me how good it was which made me really happy!
.... But now we're in the living room ready to talk which is making me very nervous

'okay so this conversation is basically just to talk about everything that happened yesterday' mommy says smiling at me before she continues with her talk

'there is a kind of relationship where three or more parties are involved, this is a poly relationship, tho you still have fixed partners so you can't just go cheat with a stranger, do you understand Reena?

' yes mommy' I say

'okay well then let's just get straight to the point' she says after a second

'Reena do you like me?' Lauren asks me


'Reena, do not feel pressured to do anything. We just thought it would be a good experience since I can see that you get along with Lauren beautifully and I can also see that you find her attractive, partially from the fact that we did a scene together yesterday' mommy says

'do you feel like you have a sexual attraction to Lauren?' mommy says smiling

'y-yes I do' I say

'are you one hundred percent sure?' she asks me again

'yes' I say

'okay' mommy says

'do you think you have a connection with Lauren?' she asks me again

I do get butterflies when I'm near her and my heart speeds up and shit damn

'yes I feel like we do' I say

'are you one hundred percent sure of it?' she asks me

'yes I am' I say

'do you feel like it would be a fun new idea to try the poly relationship out?' she asks me

'I feel like we should try it out and if we don't feel anything we can always give up' I say

'that's great Reena!' demi tells me while Lauren is at the other side softly smiling

'so how will the power dynamic continue if we do this?' I ask

'so what I think would be best is if Lauren is also your caregiver but she's my submissive just like you' mommy tells me

' okay' I say

'what about names? Like how I call you mommy...' I ask her a but embarrassed

'yeah baby, yesterday you called Lauren something, do you remember?' she asks me

'not really, I think I was too tired' I say confused as to what I called her

'you called Lauren dada twice' she tells me

'I did.....?' I say shocked

'yes you did which made me think that maybe you want Lauren to refer to herself as daddy or dada?' demi asks me

'thinking about it, it does suit you so I yeah we can use that' I say

Demi then turns to Lauren

'do you like that?' she asks her

'yes' Lauren says still smiling

'well then it's settled, I know it's only morning but maybe we should just chill and talk for the rest of the day' mommy tells me

'because I also know that a certain little girl wants to be deep in headspace today, don't you?' mommy asks me in a caring tone who makes me blush

'mhm' I say already regressing

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