Not Even Fun

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Hi so here above is a masterpiece I drew of Lauren's and Demis office (I hope it helps)

When we got in we saw demi with her legs crossed, her glasses low on her nose, and her looking up at us from her chair

'sit down' she says looking at the two chairs on the side of the room, we sat down quickly and waited

After like 15 minutes I started getting impatient and started to tap my foot, I looked at Lauren and she was giving me a warning glare to which I just smirked at her

'stop tapping your foot if you don't want a harsher punishment then you're already going to get' demi suddenly says or of nowhere

'it's just taking a long time....' I say as my inner brat comes out

'shut it' she says sternly which makes me shut up fast

After another 10 minutes demi finally clears her throat and turns the laptop to us to see that she is filming the open space in the middle of the room

Uh oh

'both of you know your safe words, use it if you must' she says before going over to us, me beginning to sweat because of her dominant aura

'Lauren stand up and crawl to me' demi says as she stands in the open space right infront of the computer

Daddy stands up and then gets down on her knees while I watch intently, if this is what happens everytime I misbehave then I'll certainly do it again!

She crawls over to demi and sits down by her feet looking up at her

Demi then grabbed Laurens hair and brought her up to her level to kiss her with force to which daddy moaned

When they parted demi started talking again

'I want you to strip infront of the laptop never taking ur eyes of it, understood sub?' demi asks

Lauren looked stunned but still said 'yes mistress, understood'

'well then get to it' demi replies slapping Lauren's cheek with enough force to it to be red but not bruised and with enough force for daddy to moan

Daddy then walked up to the front of the camera so the only thing you could see was her body and started to strip while mommy went up to me

'so you thought you could get away with it huh? I've been here for the past 40 minutes just hearing you two go at it like rabbits, don't think this will be a fun experience, now strip naked for me' she says as she grabs onto my chin to make me look up

I get to work and take off all my clothes and then kneel infront of her, at this point daddy had also already taken off her clothes and was just awkwardly looking at her body being filmed on the laptop

'get up Reena, go over to the open space, turn your back to the laptop and put your hands on the wall' mommy says, I stand up and then stop for a bit realising the laptop would be recording my ass.......

Okay well this is isn't the worst thing in the world I guess

I do what I'm told and try to calm my nerves, I know that this won't be pleasant now. Why did I think it would be a good idea??? Oh my god Reena!

'Lauren turn around and get in the same position as reena' mommy says

Lauren then gets next to me, both of us now being filmed by the laptop

We then hear mommy walk and pick something up

'hm what to do what to do......, Reena? Why are you getting punished?' she asks me

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