Roommate And Packing

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I know the titles are shit.... But idc

Demis pov
We just left the house to go to her apartment, I'm driving of course and reena is beside me playing on the Nintendo she brought with her

When we got there I got reena out of the car and pecked her lips,
She seemed distressed.

Hey baby girl what's wrong? You seem nervous

It's just that I haven't moved houses since derick and I don't know how she is going to deal with this

That's okay, we can talk to her so that she understands things, it's going to be alright

I pecked her lips to ensure that we would be okay

Yea okay you're right

I'm always right *wink*

She rolled her eyes, I giggled and smacked her ass playfully

Although it was playful she looked at me with wide eyes stopped walking for a bit and then continued walking

"I know we haven't made any rules yet but don't role your eyes at me"

"yes ma'am"

We walked up to the front door and I went to ring the bell when.....


It sounded like it came from her house

I don't think we should get your stuff right now

Reena looked pissed

I told her the time I would be here, why would she bring one of her boy toys when she knows I'm coming?

Reena pressed the bell for a good five seconds and then banged on the door two times to reassure that her roomate heard

Sweetie I get you're upset but don't be so harsh with things


It's okay and I get that you're annoyed at her

The door swung open revealing the girl I saw the other day in the bar wearing a robe

The moment she saw reena she grabbed her and hugged her really hard

Emma (reena's friend/roommate) :
Oh my god reenie I was so worried!

Oh yea totally, I thought the boy you have upstairs was helping with the stress and worry, also please let go you smell like sex

The roomate looked sad and I wanted to spank reena's ass for saying that but I don't know how she feels about public things and we haven't made rules so I just pretended to not hear it

The roomate looked at me

Hi I'm Emma call me Ems, thank you so much for bringing reena home

Demi :
Hey I'm demi and actuall-

I'm going to move out.

Oh she's pushing my boundaries

Uh-sorry? Care to explain?

Sorry it's just that I have lived with you ever since.... derick, I feel bad and I think you should be able to be free with your boy toys without looking out for me

Are you sure about this? I don't want anything to happen to you do you understand?

Emma turned to me

And you do understand that if I see one scratch on her you'll be dead right?

I understand that but I can't promise, I can promise that if she's scratched it was for a good cause

Reena blushed... Hard

I know Ems and I promise she'll take good care of me, I'll give you the adress and everything, but the reason we came is so that I can pack my stuff

Okay and can you wait a minute?..... Uhm I was actually in the middle of something when you came

She was shy and embarrassed

Yeah we could hear you guys

Emma turned around and walked off to probably kick the boy out

We waited a bit and then saw a scared teenage boy jumping out of the window and running of in boxers, not 5 minutes later Emma welcomed us inside wearing something that covered more up

Would you guys like something to drink?

No I'm good just wondering what you said to that boy that made him so scared

Oh nothing he was just exaggerating

Didn't seem like it but okay

Reena was having an attitude since we got here and I don't like it

Fast-forward to when they were done packing

Stil Demi's pov
When we were in the car and packed I turned to reena and said

So what was that attitude about?

Nothing it was just I was annoyed at the fact that she was having sex when we got there while I had told her I was going to be there

Is someone lacking activity? Am I dealing with a horney baby?

Yes....... maybe..... Just a bit

I'll fix that later princess okay? because right now when we get home I want to talk to you about us and this relationship

O-oka- y

Don't worry baby, you're not in trouble...... I mean the only reason you're not is because we haven't made rules yet but right now you're okay

Rules? You want to make rules?

She sounded exited but with a hint of fear

Yes baby if that's okay with you I do want to have rules, punishments and rewards of course

No I'm okay with that maybe even a bit exited....

Good to hear
*huge grin spread across face*

Let's go then, I want to talk to you and solve that little problem you have there

I pointed at her princess parts

hi so uhm yea I've been dead for the past few weeks sorry but uhm yea this is a small chapter but it's better then nothing

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