Maybe I Am?

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Lauren pov

We got out of the house, and into the car

Reena was so excited she couldn't keep still, she was wearing a dark red dress with some black leggings underneath, in her arm was an elephant plushie

'moma! Laurie is staring!'Reena says blushing profusely

' what? Can't I look at my adorable baby girl?' I ask her playfully

' hmm no! You have to pay 2 euros for that' Reena says in her very cutesy voice

'I have to what now??' I say surprised making Reena and demi laugh

'okay crazies, let's get out of the car and into the park!' demi says excitedly, we all get out of the car and Reena is the first one to leave all her stuff behind on a table surrounding the park and getting on the swings, there amny people around since it's Thursday and early

' well she certainly is excited' I say

'ofcourse she is! Which little wouldn't be excited to go to the park' demi replies

We put our stuff on the table and proceed to just talk about life for the next 30 minutes until we call Reena back to eat something

'are you having fun?' we ask.

'yes!' she replies as she's eating her sandwich

I kinda zoom off as my two girlfriends start to talk again

The thing is, behind my tough skin I'm actually just a needy person who needs all the love and affection she can get..... I know demi said it as okay and Reena did too but I don't know if it would work out. I'm not that much of a little, sometimes that side just slips up so buying stuff for me would be useless..... But I really want to try it

'oh no baby that's okay' I hear demi saying to Reena, sounding a bit sad

'are you sure? I can try it if you want it's just that I don't really see myself liking it in a non sexual way' Reena replies, demi probably asked her about the breastfeeding thing... Damn

'it's okay baby, we can't all be into the same things, the most important thing is that I have you' demi says hugging Reena close

I wouldn't mind to be breast fed.....

'now why don't you go and play some more' demi says, and then Reena goes back to the park

Me and demi continue to talk about the bdsm community and making small talk, while I really enjoy her company I keep dosing off looking at the play park, I'd really love to be in there right now.... Just let all my worries go and be a baby

'hey... Lauren' demi says, pulling me out of my thoughts

'it's okay if you want to play, even if you're not a little you can still go and play' demi says reassuringly, she knows I'm a little.... She figured it out

'are you sure it wouldn't ruin what we have right now? I- I'm not even little all the time, it's just that sometimes it just happens and I can't help it!' I rambel

'hey Laurie, nothing can break what we have, I don't need al the details right now, you can just go play and then we'll talk about it later okay?' demi says

'okay...... M-moma' I say stammering and blushing profusely

Demi smiles wide and makes a head motion for me to go play which I do, I quickly find Reena and she doesn't question me, she can tell I have a younger head space then her but it doesn't bother her, we play till it's time to go home

'let's go girls!' demi calls out to us

We get home in a comfortable silence, we're now in the living room ready to talk

'look.... I- I'm a little, I know I hadn't said anything but I was really scared for your guys reaction....' I say nervously waiting for their answer

'hey Lauren, its okay. Its not like you can control it and it only makes me love you more' Reena says not in her headspace anymore

'yeah babe, we love you and that isn't going to change even if we have to change your diaper' demi says making us laugh

'no... I'm not that little' I say

'tho... Remember w-when you asked Reena if she was into the b-reast feeding thing...?' I ask, obviously nervous

'yes sweets' demi replies

'Well since you know Reena doesn't like it I was thinking maybe we c-could try?' I ask

'ofcourse baby!' demi says with a wide grin

'okay.... But don't expect me to be in little space a lot of times, I'm not that kind of little!' I say

'that's okay! But when you are we can play!' Reena says going back into her head space

'yes that seems fun' I say smiling at her


A few hours later

Demis pov
'Lauren, Reena!' I yell out

'yes?' Lauren and Reena say entering the living room, covered in paint

'oh my god what happened??' I ask them

'we were paintin bu Laurie shot paint at me an then this happen!' Reena says in her little voice

'oh is that so Lauren?' I ask Lauren who is looking down at her paint covered feet

'yea bu it was an acciden!' Lauren says looking at me with her puppy eyes

'sure sweets, we will continue this later but I need to talk to both of you right now because Christmas is coming up'

'oh yeah!!' Reena and Lauren both say at the same time

'yeah so what are we going to do?' I ask them

'I think we should go out  on the 24th and then open presents with just us three on the 25th since its our first Christmas together... You know?' Lauren says

'yeah!' Reena replies

'hmm okay well that comes out great because they're having a Christmas celebration night at the local bdsm club, there will be activities for everyone, from mistresses to littles!' I say excitedly

'yess that would be so much fun!!' Reena says

'yeah, that seems like a good night!' Lauren replies

'okay then it's settled, we'll go there for the 24th' i say

Yay so idk for sure if my chapter is gonna come out tomorrow but I don't see what I possibly could do tomorrow that would stop me from writing.... So ya

I'm really excited for the next few chapters since I already know what I'm gonna write!!

Also I got 35 chapters?? That's crazy!!

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