I don't know how to title this

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Peter was inside his classroom and he was bored out of his mind because he's teacher Mr. Ajax their class's history teacher was talking about World War II in which Peter knows a lot of thanks to Bucky and Steve.

The class was then interrupted when the ground shook a bit. Peter took a glimpse outside only to see Hulk running while carrying a monitor, Iron Man carrying Clint, War Machine carrying Natasha while Clint and Natasha is munching on some pop tarts and lastly Thor chasing after them with Stormbreaker at hand.

I can't believe they took it outside. Peter thought.

Then a green bird flown inside the classroom and suddenly changed into Loki The God of Mischief.

"I'll be taking the boy now." The God casually said.

"I won't allow that sir." The teacher replied voice trembling.

"I do what I want." Loki picked up Peter and called The Flacon before dropping the boy. The god looked back at the class and said "Prank wars." before turning back into a green bird and flew away.

The whole class was frozen in silence. The room was so silent you can hear The Flacon screaming "YO TIN CAN WE GOT YOUR SON!!!!"

"Look fireworks." A random student pointed out.

The class watched as a man with a red cloak got out of the ring of as would the class like to call it 'fireworks'.

"I will be taking this." The man grabbed Peter's stuff and took it with him and the portal closed.

Once again silenced filled the room.

"What just happened." Cindy said breaking the silence.

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