Dating Spiderman (Instagram)

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This is for you @MissSagittarius123


My bae 😘😘

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My bae 😘😘

34, 243 Likes


Hey if you're Spiderman's fan you wouldn't judge.

Web head...... That's my intern.

And so........ He's adorable.

Oh stop it. You're making me blush.

You guys are so adorable.

This is so wrong in so many different ways.

@I-Love-You- 14,000,605
Leave Spidey be!!!!!

You just don't understand this whole thing and I don't think you will.

Are you guys dating??



I think you two just broke Vision

I need some repair

He's such a cutie, nice find Spidey!!!

I KNOW!!!!!!

I'm so lucky


Breaking News!!!!

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Breaking News!!!!

Our friendly neighborhood Spiderman is dating Tony Stark's intern Peter Parker.


Enough with this!!!!

This is all fake!!!

How can you prove that!!!! You colonizer!!!!

Get out of here!!!!!

Stop hating on Spidey's relationship or I will kill you.

Correction: WE will kill you


I can be the priest for their wedding.

But you're a doctor

And I am also Sherlock

The BEST Sherlock there is

You're hired. I'll be the wedding organizer!!!!

Awww!!!! they love us!!!

And I love you 😘❤️💕

*Unnecessary fangirl screams*

I am lost for words at this point

I am soooooooooo happy for them.

Our little intern is all grown up

Basically the internet exploded and the  Avengers have fun with what Peter had started.

Also Part two of "Son of a Spider" is happening.

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