Flash was accidentally added pt. 2

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Peter isn't really thrilled about the field trip to the Avengers Tower, but instead of the decathlon team his whole entire class was in the tour. Reason numero uno: He might get tons of questions after the trip but all is worth it for Eugene "Flash" Thompson to finally shut up. He is also glad that Tony didn't allowed him to join the tour.

Peter's class exited the bus and walked to the front door where they met their tour guide Emily Ivanov a woman in her mid-20's with light blue dyed hair.

"Welcome Midtown High!!" Emily started.

"Now if you will follow me here, I will be giving your badges that you must wear at all times or Happy Hogan will literally kick you out of the building." Emily smiled.

Emily is the first one to enter with Friday announcing her Presence.

"Emily Ivanov Delta level 7. Welcome back!" The AI said.

Flash pushed everyone aside and stepped in next.

"Eugene Thompson Omega level 1. Welcome!" The Ai said.

And the continues loop of name calling began until in finishes to the last student.

"Alright so before we start. Any questions." Emily started.

"What does the colors and numbers mean in our badges?" Cindy asked.

"The Avengers Tower consists of 100 floors with the levels of 1-10 and ranks of Omega being the lowest and Alpha being the highest.
Omega level 1 which are color white are only allowed to the first ten floors of the tower, Omega badges are usually given to visitors, tours and sometimes someone who just wanted to use the comfort room, Psi level 2 color beige for anyone that is present on a press conference, Hi level 3 color pale yellow for low-level interns, Phi level 4 color yellow for experienced interns, Upsilion level 5 color cyan for high-level interns, Epsilon level 6 color blue green for low-level scientists. There's also the Delta level 7 color mint green in which I am in for Personal Interns and some scientists, Gamma level 8 color violet for engineers, scientists and doctors and the Beta level 9 color black for SHEILD agents. While the Alpha level 10 badges is silver with the Avengers logo in the middle are quite rare since it's only for the people who the Avengers trust to explore the whole tower and because literally everyone that holds an Avenger title, Happy Hogan, Pepper and Morgan Stark and Tony Stark's Personal Intern doesn't need one. The only known holder of this badge was Hawkeye's family and Ant-man's daughter." Emily explained.

The tour was thrilling for everyone especially Flash because his mind is literally shouting "I'll be working here!!". All is fine and well until they reached the room in which Aspiring interns are tested.

"Since one of your classmates had been given an opportunity to be have a test to be an intern here you can watch him as he go through each one." Emily smiled and the door opened revealing The Avengers and the Guardians excluding Peter, Shuri and Groot.

"Now let's start the test. You know who you are so step in!" Bruce said.

Flash jumped in and sprinted towards towards the two geniuses.

"The thought of hiring high school students as interns isn't there until Peter came in!" Bruce said.

"He's Tony's Personal Intern and a great one at that." Bruce added.

Flash's test started and went well to the public's eyes. But in reality it was a disaster. He messed up every single computation. Tony did whispered to Flash that he's doing an amazing job just to feed the teen's ego.

"Alright now that was over. Tony sighed

"I think you need to prove us that you can handle the things that the position you wanted to be in." Bruce added.

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