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Peter was not happy at the very slightest because he just have to be in a field trip to his own freakin house and Flash is just being Flash.

Peter sighed and slouched on his seat until he received a message from Groot of all people well not technically because Groot is a talking tree.


Groot: Clint just announced an all out Prank War on the compound.

Peter: Today?!

Groot: Yes. Also I'm stuck on the wall.

Peter: How?

Groot: Don't ask. Also Quill is an idiot.


Peter and his classmates exited the bus and went ahead. Our tour guide named Ronald. Made some introductions and people stared at me when they figured out I had an even higher badge number than the actual tour guide and of course Flash gave him a very hard slap on the back.

"Also I must warn you. According to Captain America, Clint Barton aka. Hawkeye just announced an all out Prank War on the compound and that only means that everyone inside the compound is involved." Ronald said. "That includes us." He added which frightened some students.

Our first stop was the R&D labs which Peter immediately saw Groot duct taped in the wall  using his phone with his video game console also duct taped on the wall beside was another set of duct tape which in theory is Groot's phone supposed to be in.

"I am Groot." Groot said.

"He clearly doesn't know your logic." Peter said not minding his classmates and teachers went ahead and carefully freed Groot and removed the console on the wall and gave it back to him.

Peter looked at Ronald and gave him a look. Peter sighed and gave Ronald a bottle of shaving cream inside his bag and ran off with the tree.

"Hey! Peter Parker! Get back here!!" The teacher shouted.

"Yeah!! Stop pretending you know Tony Stark and the Avengers Penis!!" Flash added.

Peter rolled his eyes and continued on running until they reached the location where Shuri is.

"Oh there you two are!" She exclaimed giving the two teenagers bright pink glitter bombs.

"Let's do this." She smirked.


"Sir, Someone is Peter's class seems to be bullying him." Friday announced in the Room where Tony and Morgan is in.

"Really now."

"According to the footages for today the Student named Eugene "Flash" Thompson calls Peter with inappropriate language and punched Peter on the stomach before they went inside the compound and after all students scanned their badges Flash gave Peter a hard slap on the back." The AI added.

"I see. Inform the others." Tony said with a dark tone.

"Right away sir."


"I'm telling you these mortals are complete morons." Loki said walking side by side with the cloak of levitation which Clint manages to separate from Strange.

The God then heard an explosion in front of them and saw a very glittery and pink Scott Lang coming out of the smoke.

"Finally my favorite people!" Loki exclaimed and Shuri gave him a look and The God turned into a human sized green snake which scared the shit out of Scott while the cloak wrapped itself around Peter.

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