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-' 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 - pieces perfectly back together


"ouchh my back.." jimin groaned in pain while getting up.
"it was such a bad idea to fall asleep on the couch." he sighed and ruffled his hair as he yawned and looked around him to the familiar living room of the dorm he shared with jungkook.

"is it a morning already? god I must have slept 14 hours.." he sleepily mumbled to himself and got up, it was 6am, he had fell asleep on the couch slightly after 4pm yesterday. after stretching his sore arms, he went into the kitchen and made coffee for him and jungkook which brought him to wonder whether the boy was even there.

"oh jungkook.. where is he by the way?" he questioned and walked to stand in front of jungkook's room door, he knocked on the door hoping that there would be an answer.

"jungkook-ah? are you there?" he asked, feeling disappointed that he couldn't hear any response, now his only wish was to see him sleeping soundly. as he slowly opened the door, his heart churned as his eyes saw the empty bed with no jungkook laying on it. the bed looked like no one had slept on it for awhile, all the curtains were closed making the room looking like someone had died in it. jimin stubbornly walked in, opened the curtains and the window, letting some fresh air in and cleaned some of jungkook's clothes into his closet.

"why is he working at all the time? he seriously needs some sleep.." he still kept talking to himself while picking up jungkook's clothes. he saw the same box under the bed making his eyes lighten up a bit as his curiosity grew, he knew he had broke enough boundaries so he gracefully placed his desire aside and left the box as it was.
instead he picked up a picture in frames on the table and looked at it, wondering what might be the stpry behind it.

"is this is.. who? a brother? a friend?"

"he looks like-" jimin said and was pointing at the picture but got surprised by jungkook who walked into his own room tiredly dragging his feet behind.
"what are you doing in my room huh?" he raised his eyebrows as he threw his backpack on the floor letting his body fall on his bed.

"uh.. I was just cleaning your room.." jimin jumped and hid jungkook's picture behind his back.
"what do u got there..behing ur back?" jungkook asked while looking at jimin.

"n-nothing.." jimin said and felt his cheeks burning up. "you are a bad liar you know." jungkook said. he still had that cold tune in his voice.

"and why are u even cleaning my room? Ican do it by myself you know.?.." jungkook questioned.
"uhm.. I just wanted, you're never here and always working so.. yeah why are you even working so much and never sleep you know that's not healthy!" jimin stumbled while talking, and switched subject to something he was actually curious about. he couldn't bare to see jungkook looking so sick and gloomy all the time.

jungkook was just laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling. "yeah maybe i'm doing slow suicide, who knows" jungkook said with his dull voice, and skeepy eyes, making jimin stop trying to put the picture frame back on the table as he froze. those words really pained him,

he had told jungkook multiple times that he should just die, but now when the words came out of his mouth, all he wanted was for him to not to die.

"jungkook-ah.." jimin was about to say something but got cut off.

"just kidding, why are you still in here?" jungkook brushed it off lightly as he changed the subject. jimin quickly placed the picture back on the table and walked towards the exit of the room. he didn't believe that jungkook was kidding, it did look like jungkook was slowly dying. the way he looked like, the way he spoke and acted like nothing mattered, it all made sense to jimin.

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