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-' 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣 - 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙨


the two boys were hugging on the hallway, and jimin let jungkook cry on his shoulder. he had no idea what had happened but his heart broke as jungkook cried, jungkook who seemed to have everything go for him and treated others harshly.

"just breathe with me jungkook-ah. i'm here." jimin spoke softly, saying plenty of comforting things to him.

this is what he had wanted to do for a while, just hug him and make him feel better. after all he just knew how lonely jungkook was and how much a one tight comforting hug can mean to him. there was no words to describe how much jimin felt for him right now, seeing how vulnerable and small he was in his arms.

oh he wished he could hug all his problems away.

jungkook slowly pulled away from the hug after he had stabled his breath, he looked a bit embarrassed.

"you can talk to me if you want, if you need someone, i'm here jungkook." jimin said softly making jungkook look like he was going to burst in tears again.
both of the boys would've never ever thought that they would be in this kind of a situation, being so close. jimin would've never thought that one day he would have other feelings replacing the hatred towards jungkook.

"i'm sorry jimin. sorry for being a burden to you. i'm so sorry... i just... i don't know what's happening to me ..." jungkook muttered, looking down on his feet as he couldn't bare to see jimin'a face.

why in the world was he apologizing? jimin wondered. he wasn't feeling good was apologizing for that? jimin sighed, cupping jungkook's face as he wiped his tears with his thumb.

"no jungkook-ah, don't apologize. you have nothing to be sorry for, look, it's okay to have emotions and it's okay to get hurt sometimes." jimin said, still
cupping jungkook's face who kept his eyes low, avoiding jimin's eyes.

slowly, he brought his eyes up to look into jimin's eyes full of worry, jungkook's teary eyes were shining, his eyes full of hurt and pain. jimin found himself getting lost in there.

"jimin.. i.. i know you're my roommate b-but you don't need to do this, we can just stay roommates and you can still hate me, it's okay there's no need to pretend, i'm still not a good person.." jungkook broke the eye contact, looking back down again as jimin placed his hands down, letting go of jungkook.

those words, not a good person, pretend, roommate, hate - that was what jimin thought of jungkook a few weeks ago. but so much had changed, jimin didn't have a single cell in his body that was pretending in front of jungkook anymore. he didn't hate him, maybe he never really did but was just too into it, too into bullying as they were as a group attacking someone who everyone found extremely annoying

"jungkook-ah. you are my friend, yes we are roommates but when i say i care for you, i really do, the things i did in the past, i regret so so much. and now when we live together, i grew to like you a lot..."
jimin said, but noticed how jungkook looked like he  wasn't believing anything.

jungkook-ah, he cares for you. just listen to his words, let him care. be happy sunny stacey's soft voice was heard inside of jungkook's head. he was gonna smile a bit at the thought but then frowned.

don't jungkook, look what a mental mess you are jesus come on, don't be so naïve, listen to those sneaky words, he hates u and will forever hate you just like everyone does.

"stop, be quiet, leave me alone..." jungkook whispered while putting his hands on his ears. jimin furrowed his eye brows, placing his hand on jungkook's shoulder.

"jungkook-ah.. i'm not leaving you alone, not in that state.." jimin said softly, almost whispering.

but the voices kept talking to jungkook, saying harsh things. this was what can happen to lonely people, your life is so quiet in so many ways so your mind starts to be loud. both voices were jungkook's demons. sad sammy and sunny stacey used to be harmless bad mood, good mood imaginary creatures, it was nothing too serious but ended up taking over jungkook's mind.

"stop.. be quiet.. be quiet.. i can't take this anymore, be quiet.." jungkook tried to cover his ears and jimin had the feeling that it wasn't about him anymore.

"jungkook-ah.. stop doing that, please.." jimin felt a bit panicked as he moved jungkook's hands away carefully trying to calm him down. he hugged him again. "it's alright jungkook-ah, it's alright." he whispered to him. and for about three minutes, the boys were standing and hugging each other on the hallway - the hallway where jimin would usually pick up on jungkook, push him against the lockers and verbally bully him.

"come on let's just go home.." jimin said, slowly pulling away from the hug. jungkook nodded, looking down.

"wait a second, i'll go get our things, just sit here..." jimin said and lead jungkook to sit on the bench while he hurried back to the classroom, barging in and walking to jungkook's seat.

"teacher, my apologizes, but me and jeon jungkook must go right now." jimin bowed politely, grabbing his and jungkook's things.

"jimin-ah don't go.." taehyung grabbed jimin's arm, causing a scene. jimin sighed, he was so done with taehyung at this point.

"tae i need to go, this has nothing to do with you." jimin said, trying to pull his hand out of taehyung's tightening grip.

"why? why do you need to go? because of that loser?? jimin-ah wake up, he's not worth it!" taehyung kept going, making jimin roll his eyes as he violently freed himself from taehyung.

"no, tae you don't know anything and you don't know him so YOU don't get to have an opinion. i want to go because i care about him, taehyung you've caused a lot of harm so please just back off.." jimin spat, causing an awkward situation in the class as everyone looked at the two boys with widen eyes. they were really figting in the middle of the class, even the teacher was invested but all jimin was thinking about was jungkook sitting alone in the hallway, he was worried that he might not be there anymore.

"no park jimin, you either choose us or him. there's no between." taehyung demanded.

jimin was shocked, he never knew that taehyung would actually seep that low, but he was so mad at him for being this childish and just wanted to be there for jungkook. right now, he doesn't want to do as taehyung wanted. but he didn't want to lose his friend either. friendship was far more important right now and without further thinking, jimin knew what he needed to do.

"okay, well i don't want to lose my friend.." jimin said, seeing how taehyung started smiled widely.

"so goodbye kim taehyung, jungkook is waiting for me and he at least isn't as immature and stupid like you." jimin said and ran out of the classroom, leaving everyone shocked.

"w-what.. just happened?" taehyung said, feeling tears in his eyes as he sat down on his seat.

"did jimin just..." namjoon said in disbelief.

"jeon jungkook will be dead"


edited chapter!!!


word count; 1249

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