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-' 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮 𝙩𝙬𝙤 - 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙞𝙩 𝙩𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜


jimin kneeled down on the ground, his weak knees holding up his sorrow, his heartbreak and his loss. his loss of everyone, his parents, his best friend and his.. jungkook. they hadn't labeled themselves yet, only to be friends but there was obviously something more meaningful and deeper than that.
and now jimin had to witness with his two eyes that the person who felt like his home, his remedy who was already an anxious mess, was dragged away by the authorities for something he never did. for something that jimin's best friend did because of jealousy.

how unfair was that? in this world where all of us are just wild beasts trying to survive, we do the worst to the ones who makes us feel threatened, like we aren't going to survive. all of us are selfish, you give a birth to a child because you felt like you wanted to be a parent, or you were enjoying sex too much and would feel too guilty to abort, instead you selfishly brought a child to the world.
no wonder we all are so mental, no one asked to be here, supposedly. because when we think that way, life gives us no meanings anymore, it makes life so fucking meaningless that it can feel quite free sometimes.
the thought of all of us just rotting away one day, may nobody remember your name, may nobody know what you've done. isn't it also freedom?

"oh shit did that actually just happen.." an amused voice spoke, as jungkook had been dragged away.

jimin lifted his tear stained face up to see the person to whom his heart was fuming with rage. he placed his hands on the ground, head hanging low as he cried outloud. he was gritting his teeth together, grasping his fists as he tried to control the color red that was burning in his eyes. but he couldn't, everything had gone too far.

"are you enjoying this?" eyes glued to the cement pavement underneath him, he waited for taehyung to answer.

"of course i am, this is all i wanted" he chuckled, but something in his heart turned when jimin faced him again. those blood shot red eyes that glared through taehyung's soul, it didn't bring him any good feelings.


"no taehyung.. fuck.. do you actually realize what you've done, do you? because w-what you did was messed up you fucking cunt!! jungkook's life is so fucking hard been since forever so if you think your life is shitty then after you'd hear his story, you wouldn't do the shit you do! why are you like this, seriously?!? fix it! just fucking fix it!!!" jimin screamed, spit coming out of his mouth as he stood up in front of taehyung who was frozen in the spot. he had never seen jimin so angry and it hurt him.

"i-i..." taehyung stuttered but couldn't make a sentence. he had gone too far and he knew that. with his sloppy steps, he backed away from jimin and ran away, he just ran as far as he could. someplace where he could be in silence and think.

"fucking hell.. yes run you coward! but you better run back and fix this!!!!"


jimin sat at the station surrounded by the hassle and drama, waiting for that someone to be let out. but it wasn't going to happen so easily, just like nothing in life happened easily unless it was something that was going to bring a lot of pain and hardships.

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