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-' 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚 - traumatised by his own name



"yah jungkook?"

"earth calls to kookie!"

jimin tried to get jungkook's attention who was spaced out, deep in his thoughts. he blinked a few times and looked at jimin.

"h-huh?" jungkook came back from his thoughts, looking like a lost puppy.

"what's ya thinking about kookie?" jimin asked while sipping his coffee.

"nothing and don't call me kookie.." jungkook said sounding cold and harsh again.

"what? why? kookieeee~" jimin kept going because he found the name really cute. but what he didn't know was that name brought bad memories to jungkook.

"please jimin don't." jungkook said, trying to keep himself calm becaus he usually wasn't the type of person to lash out on someone.

"hmmm i think name kookie is cute." jimin said, not realizing that this whole subject made jungkook too uncomfortable so he stood up quietly, went to get his backpack and just walked out of the dorm like that leaving jimin dumbfounded behind.

"w-what ....? jungkook??"

"did he seriously just walk out the door?" jimin muttered to himself and quickly gulped down the last sip of his coffee and ran after jungkook

"YAH!! jungkook-ah!! " jimin was out of breath and was running after the boy who just silently walked out on him.

"stop!! aishhhh wait up!!"

jungkook kept walking until they were on the school hallway, he didn't want to go through the conversation of why the name made him act up, just hearing the name triggered him, he felt his chest tightening as the anxiety was filling him up inside.

"jimin-ah!" taehyung yelled and jimin turned to look behind him.

"ah not now" he hurriedly said and turned back around to check if jungkook was still there. he wasn't. he breathed out heavily.

"what's up with u lately? you're not hanging with us anymore.." hoseok asked and pouted.

"don't be sad.. i've just.. uhm been busy." jimin was still gasping for air after running so hard. he received a glance from taehyung.

"busy for what?" taehyung spitted out.

"just stuff.. look i gotta go now see u later guys" jimin waved and walked after jungkook.
he knew that jungkook was cold to him but he will do everything to make his little heart soften. even if he would need to risk his friendship with the other guys. and you might ask yourself why?
well, that's something jimin didn't have an answer yet. but what he knew was that he liked himself more when he was with jungkook, with taehyung he would have to act so tough, get mocked and judged and also, bully jungkook.
but with jungkook, he felt like himself. it was weird since the two of them didn't know each other so well, it was just a warm feeling in his chest. but he felt like it might've been the opposite for jungkook, that's why he wanted to show his best side to him - his real side.

"jungkook-ah...." jimin saw hungkook sitting on his seat and walked closer to him.

jungkook rolled his eyes, looking down on the table.

"look i'm sorry for calling u kookie.. i mean it's cute but, sorry i won't do it again.. so.. uhm.. i was thinking—" jimin was cutted off by jungkook who was quite done hearing his voice.

"what now?" jungkook spitted out making jimin chuckle a little.

"i just.. do u want to go to the movies today?" jimin asked a bit shyly waiting for 'no'

"why?" jungkook asked with his dull voice. he showed no emotion but was confused as hell.
"well— i want to see the new avengers movie.." jimin said and noticed jungkook furrowing his eyebrows.

jungkook did really love the avengers and he has been wanting to go to see that movie for so long. but why him?

"why me? can't you go with your friend?" jungkook asked, he noticed jimin sighing.
"okay i'll go with my friend then.." jimin said sadly and started walking towards the door. not lying, jungkook did feel a bit upset, but this was the right thing to do the last thing he needed was a friend.

jimin stopped before leaving the classroom and turned around.

"so the movie starts at 7pm see you then and i'll buy the tickets." jimin smiled in a snarky face seeing the pure confusion written all over jungkook's face.


"jungkook-ah, you are my friend" jimin said and smiled warmly before waving and walking away.

"a friend."

"i haven't had one for a really long time"


edited chapter:3

word count; 765

𝐔𝐧𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 | ᴊɪᴋᴏᴏᴋ    Where stories live. Discover now