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-' 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣  - 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙟𝙟𝙝


neither one of the boys said a word to each other. jungkook was walking quietly back to their dorm being very close to jimin who was holding jungkook's hand. it was silent and slightly awkward between them, jimin's grip was tight so jungkook had no chance to smoothly slip his hand away.
but jimin was still heartbroken by the fact that his own best friend made him to make a decision, jimin can't push aside someone who needed help - someone he cared about.

jimin didn't want to tell anything about what happened at the classroom, to jungkook, because he knew that jungkook would feel extremely guilty and uncomfortable. so it'll be jimin's secret as long as the rumors doesn't reach to jungkook.

when they finally reached their dorm, jungkook fell on the couch, closing his eyes as he let out a deep sigh. it worried jimin, but he was pleased that jungkook was now resting at least.

"jungkook-ah..." jimin said as he sat next to jungkook who hummed out as a response.
"what happened today?" jimin asked softly, not in a demanding way, but very calmly.
jungkook opened his eyes and looked at jimin as he sat up as well.

"i mean.. you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but i just want you to know that you can trust me and maybe talking about it outloud to someone could help you to get through it or ease it.." jimin said slowly, not wanting to seem like he was pressuring jungkook.

jungkook looked into jimin's eyes properly to see if he was being sincere. what he saw was a pure worry and care, he couldn't believe that at all but seeing the warm and gentle smile of his and his shining dark brown eyes made jungkook to feel much calmer and easier. he felt like he could trust jimin, those eyes that used to show so much hatred to jungkook were now calm.

how can u even think about trusting him jeongguk?

trust him, he's gonna be there for you!

wake up, we live in reality. there is no such a thing as care and love. it's all in fairy tales.

he deserves better, not a mess like you. you'll drag him down with you, you'll ruin him!

jimin will hurt you too like he has always done! he just feels pity because of your pathetic life!

there was a long silent moment between jungkook and jimin. jungkook didn't know what to believe, he  wanted to believe jimin, but sad sammy was right.

if Jimin would get jungkook's hopes up too high and jimin would end up hurting or leaving him, he might not be able to take it anymore.

"j-jungkook-ah...?" jimin broke the silence as he saw jungkook spaced out. he came back from his thoughts.


"are you with me? you wanna to talk about it?" jimin asked patiently, taking jungkook's hands in his.

trust him, he's so patient with you, let the weights off of your shoulders.

well all you need is to choose now, tell him to fuck off. do it.

jungkook felt safe with jimin but did it mean that this feeling was correct and he should open up to him?

jimin was waiting patiently for jungkook to say something, he knew hard it can be.

"well.. I-I..." jungkook started.

"i have been—"

jungkook's phone made a noise signaling that he received a text message making jimin a bit frustrated but obviously let jungkook to grab his phone to check his message. he saw the screen and very visibly frozed as he sighed.

Jeon Junghyun;

"kookie~ i'm seriously starting to get a little impatient with you!
please. give me a chance,
i beg!!!!
i know where you live, i know what happened at your class today. i know who you live with and i know what is going on and i wanna be there for you now.
AND i know that you are one of the kindest human being alive and i know that i really do miss you and i wanna to start over with you.
please. give me a chance to be your brother again.
Love. JJH"

jungkook read the message as he gulped heavily, his eyes were widened and were glowing with fear. he couldn't hear jimin calling him until jimin decided to be selfish and grab the phone away from jungkook because it was clearly affecting him.

he looked at the message without a permission, but jungkook didn't even try stop him.
maybe he wanted someone to know?

edited chapter

I'm writing this in airplane so sorry for the late update but I don't have connection here so I am offline rn.

Thank You, I really appreciate all of you who are reading, voting and commenting. It always motivates to be more active <3

Have a nice autumn holiday <3

word count; 824

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