8. Pointed ears

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"No! Stop! Let me go! Let go of me!" She kicked and struggled against the impossibly tall and lean male, feeling his hard shoulder dig into her stomach as he stormed upstairs and all the way through the dimly-lit and narrow corridor, finding herself take a generous breath of fresh air as they finally pushed past the wooden gate, into the cool night air.

"I said let go of me!" She screamed at him as he only kept on walking, completely ignoring her annoying tantrums.

"Let go of me! Put me down!"

"Please! Just put me down!" Her demands soon turned into pleas as she could already feel her empty stomach starting to hurt, praying that he would just put her down and let her free, to go back to her home.

She was already so scared, so cold and tired...She didn't want anything else to do with these cruel people. She only wished that they would let her be and allow her to return home...
One night of undeserved punishment in those horrifying dungeons was enough for her to wish that she had never crossed paths with them. They were insane and dangerous. They had kidnapped her, thrown her around like she were some lifeless rag doll and called her a witch...right before sentencing her to a presumed trial for something so stupid and meaningless like accidentally entering their backyard since she had redeemed her other crime by returning that small trinket she had taken by accident.

"No-H-hey! What are you doing?" Deep panick struck her as she suddenly felt his cool hands manoeuvre her around with such ease, sliding her off his back only to have her cradled in his arms, her lips escaping a surprised gasp as her eyes met his swirling green ones almost inhumanely shining into the dim moonlight, momentarily frozen by the mere sight.
But before she could even try to struggle out of his grasp he had already thrown her over a warm and lumpy surface, soon to realize that the said surface she was now seated on was actually a beautiful pure white horse as she took a curious glance beneath, feeling the softness of its thick mane between her fingers as she instinctually held onto it, too scared of a possible fall.

"W-what are you..." Her voice failed her as she watched him so gracefully mount the beautiful stallion, swiftly trapping her in between his long arms as he held onto the stallion as well. And without a single waste of air his boots nudged against the animal's sides, carrying them deeper and deeper into the dark forest as it fastly trotted away.


The sounds of a peculiar humming wafted through the air, reaching her ears with a gentle touch as her senses gradually regained awareness. Discreet and monotonous, they only kept that same tempo, resembling to a furious swarm, beckoning her to follow the source of them. And after only a few flutters of those long lashes her wild green eyes were finally greeted with the natural daylight, their momentary sensitivity forcing her to quickly shield them away and bury her nose into the warm and natural-scented fabric plastered against her cheek from a while ago.

But the sudden movement of the early-mentioned fabric in a subtle in-and-out motion had her eyes snapping open in utter surprise, timidly trailing all the way upwards as she followed the white lining of it, momentarily pausing over the delicacy of flawless milky white skin peeking from underneath, right before noticing the lines of a finely-sculptured jaw and the bottom of a nose, her eyes widening as her mind almost immediately projected those last moments of awareness, ultimately realising that she had most probably drifted off to dream-land in the very arms of her captor.

Feeling the still movement of the stallion beneath her evidently numb bottom she dared not make a single sound or move in fear of exposing her newly-gained state of awakeness, barely managing to guide her breaths in long and calm inhales and exhales as her mind became a frenzy of furiously spinning thoughts, rapidly jumping from reasons why this crazy and scary male had taken her away from that horrible place to means to a possible escape, even twiddling with the idea of just selling the newly-bought house and move out as far as possible away from this place, regardless of her mild attachment to it.

Anything to get away from these loonies,

Her mind uttered as her gaze absently trailed over the green and calm scenery slowly passing by, barely hearing the dull thuds of the horse's hooves digging into the rich soil as those buzzing sounds kept ringing into her ears, oddly resembling to a large swarm of cicadas during mating season.

But it's not even spring anymore...
And they don't even exist in the UK!

She nearly shouted out loud, unconsciously letting out a small but audible gasp at the sudden realisation, feeling her heart starting to pump faster and her breaths turn a little bit laboured, completely failing to come up with a valid and sane explanation for all this.

Only the moment she dared glance upwards and take a peek at her captor's otherworldly face, her lips parted in surprise and her whole body froze as those inhumanly glowing green gems found her own, looming upon her so coldly and menacing.

She could hear herself gulp, battling with herself as she struggled to get those damn words past her lips.

"W-where are we? Where are you taking me?"

Few moments of silence followed, even those buzzing sounds now completely ignored as her fearful eyes watched his jaw clench in his apparent search for a proper answer.

But before he could even fully part those thin lips and utter a single word, a single whooshing sound coming from not too far away suddenly caught his attention, snapping his head to the side.

However, that wasn't what drew hers.

What really captured her attention was that oddly-shaped, pointy ear she had fleetingly noticed only one time before, her brows knitting in pure curiosity. Only the second her fingers unintentionally moved upwards and reached for it, immediately feeling the warmth and unmistakable texture of skin, a blood-curdling scream erupted throughout the whole dense forest, even scaring away a few small birds from within the neighbouring trees.


Elion Silthral of SnowReignWhere stories live. Discover now