Lead the way

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I slid down the golden column and brought my knees to my chest, completely in a daze. It took everything in me, to make my halo stay as a necklace; as I felt my cheeks flush red at the sound of his velvety voice.


I closed my eyes and exhaled a shaky breath. L-Loki, I couldn't believe I was stuttering mentally.

Where are you, my dear?

I'm inside the castle of Asgard...very lost, I may add. I played with my fingers, while I answered him.  I haven't seen anyone, since I've been here.

Tell me what you see.

Um...there's gold everywhere... I heard him chuckle and I closed my eyes while  biting my lips in embarrassment. Loki...I whined.

Forgive me darling, but answer me this. How are the tiles position?

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion and look at them. I don't understand.

If you stand in the middle of the hallway and look down, the tiles could be in two positions: as squares or as diamonds.

Following his instructions, I stood up and settled in the middle, staring at the tiles below me. They're diamonds?

Are you sure?

I bended down and nodded, tracing the tile right below. Yes, I'm sure. But what does that mean?

My dear, it means you've come a very long way from the Bifrost.


I let the word dragged out, noticing that the hallway did seems somewhat different, only if you paid attention to the details, something I clearly wasn't good at; at least, when it came to my surroundings.  Walking toward the column I had leaned on, I could see it was gold like the others, but it was marbled as well, and then the ceiling was still intricate and complicated , but red velvet drapes clung to them. "How could I even miss that?" I exhaled unbelievably.

Keep walking through the hallway, Kára and describe it to me


I walked meticulously, absorbing anything different that may be important to mention, but at the moment everything seemed the same, I think. Well, apart from gold and more gold; the...drapes are woven most intricately.  The center one flows without a crease, while the ones on either side are braided lazily, letting some of the fabric purposely hanged.

Is that so.

Yes. I smiled a little, thinking how he might be more interested in the drapes than the matter of the meeting.

Tell me more

My laughter echoed the hallway, making me bring my hands and clasp my mouth shut; I looked both ends of the hallway to see if I anyone heard me, but I was alone...well, not really. I breathe in deeply and continued forward, this time describing the walls.

Smooth and cold, you would not believe they were ever dirtied or malformed. It shines, Loki; even without the sun casting its brilliance upon it, as if alone it could shine brighter, but looking closer it's not alone. It has...

"Beautiful" I whispered tracing the wall delicately. Such detail, but why so hidden.


Emeralds, Loki. They're everywhere, so minuscule and yet...so important. Not second after I conveyed my thoughts, a burst of happiness filled my being, starting from my chest, a mixture of coldness and warmth wrapped itself around me until it enveloped me in a sweet scent of spices.

"Loki" I sighed lovingly realizing that burst of magic was his doing.

Keep walking Kára, you're almost there.

Moving forward without hesitation, I continued to trace the emerald covered wall; letting go when a column stood in the way before pressing my hand over it again. "Finally" I stated, grabbing the hem of my dress with my other hand so I could hurry a bit toward the doors on either side of the hall facing each other.

Doors. Loki?

Choose one

Of course, I naturally chose the one decorated with emeralds. I took a hold of its antique looking lever swiping my thumb and feeling the different ridges carved into it. What now?


I looked back at the door behind me covered in bold rubies, and smiled surely knowing the door I chose was good pick. Then a furrowed my brows a bit, though I trusted Loki, where did he exactly led me?

What holds behind this door, Loki?

Not receiving an answer, I took a deep breath and turned the lever. The click of the door opening echoed and carefully pulling the door, the sound of the unoiled hinges added to the mystery of whatever it hid inside. After  little bit of hesitation, I peeked through the slight opening  created and curled my lips into an o.

When did we change our location to converse?

I could feel his chuckle vibrate against my chest, so it was no trouble to image that my hands were there trying to calm my rapidly beating heart.

I thought that regarding our matter, this would have been more convenient.

He might have said something else, but the only thing that sprung in my mind was what was in front of me in its full glory. It was grand with forest green sheets covering it completely letting the additional material sweep the floor softly and on top of that a white, golden conforter. Its countless of pillows look like the clouds I've walked on this very morn, but most of them were for decor since some seemed to be kind of uncomfortable especially the beaded one in the middle. Then there was the white, lace, silk canopy that rested and formed a loose roof over it, creating interesting shadows thanks to the light that poured into the room from the tall glass doors, on the right, leading to the balcony. Lavish.

I couldn't think of words, much less utter something...tangible, and I knew he could feel that. I was literally stuttering mentally.  So, I had no idea how I had the mind to take soft steps into the room, but I did; finally, I was inside. It was obvious where I was, if the bed wasn't a dead giveaway, then his scent was surely one, wrapping itself around me until I let out a puff a breath; unbelievable.

Welcome to my chambers, my dear.

Wait for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2014 ⏰

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