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"Time to wake up, Kára"

I grunted a response letting father now that I was awake, well kind of. I buried my face on my pillows trying to tune out the sound of angels already working, coming from outside. I tighten my grip on my silky blankets and settled one over my head, I still wasn't willing to open my eyes. Knocks came from my door filling my silent bedroom.

"Breakfast is ready"

I mumbled "Not hungry" and turned to my side, my back facing the door.

"Kára, you are going to be late" I heard his footsteps fading away meaning this were his last words before he would wake me up by force. I sat up immediately and yawned "I'm up, I'm up". I stretched my arms and then, automatically reached for my neck to feel my necklace, I smiled at the touch of it. I unwrapped the blankets that were tangled on my legs and got off the bed, the feeling of the cold wooden floor sent a comfortable shiver that woke me up a little bit more.

I stood up, stretched again and went to the restroom; freshly bathe, I now was wearing a long, white silvery, one-shoulder robe instead of my wrinkled nightgown. After brushing and taming my black, long, wavy hair, I finally went to the kitchen and joined my father.

"Woah and behold, she finally arrives"

"Very funny" I rolled my eyes, walking towards him and kissing him the cheek, "How is mother feeling?"

"Eat your breakfast, we will talk about it after" he looked at me while handing me a plate. "We will need to discuss some things".

I nodded grabbing the plate and taking a sit. I played a bit with my food thinking about what father had to say, before finally taking a bite; my mind also wandered to a certain someone Should I mention him? I kept eating, sometimes tapping my fingers on the table impatiently or scrunching my lips in frustration Should I?

I heard my name being called, but too wrapped on my indecision decided to ignore it. I really should mention him, but what if they do not approve?! Can they deny me my own soul mate They would not dare, they know first-hand how everything works. Ugh, my head is starting to hurt. I closed my eyes, and tapped my fingers rapidly against the table's surface. He really does not have a good reputation, would any parent want someone like him as their daughter's partner?


I was snapped from my thoughts as father inhaled his breath to yell my name once again; I held my hand in front of me stopping him from his action. He exhaled and chuckled "I hope you don't space out, as the midgards say, while working with the All Father" he pointed with his fork.

I rolled my eyes "Of course father, I just have a lot in my mind lately" settling my fork beside my barely touched plate. My father saw this and settled his, as well.

"Go on" he gestured.

"Mm?" I tilted my head, not understanding. Go on what?

He sighed "What's troubling you, Kára?" I looked down at the table, not knowing if I should tell him about Loki, I mean he had so much to worry about already, my mother being on the top list, but I lifted my gaze and stared at him. I saw his forehead wrinkle in worry and his eyes searching my face for information.

"You do know, you can tell me anything, Kára...if it is about your mother..."

I shook my head and interrupted him "I know mother will be alright". He nodded and smiled, "Good! Sigrdrífa would probably have my neck, if she knew you worried"

I couldn't help, but laugh and nod at his statement "Mother is such a worrywart".

"Don't I know it!"he shook his head amused "You should have seen her before she went to 'sleep'"

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