Father's approval

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My father was a very happy man, he laughed a lot and always made jokes so everyone felt like he did, happy. So when I blurted the news and saw a tear fall from my father's eye, I felt like a broke him. Where was my father?

"Dad?" I whispered, I always addressed him that way usually when I was afraid or felt like making him see me as his little girl again. Right now, I was saying it for both. "Daddy?"

I saw him shake his head a little, maybe trying to understand what I told him and all of a sudden I was engulfed in his arms. "My baby girl" his voice cracked; he kissed my head and held me tighter. I wrapped my arms around him and stroke his back, I heard him laugh quietly, but as time passed his laughter got louder. He pushed me back a little to see my face and smiled widely. I searched his eyes for any negative emotion, but he was happy!  He was happy for me.

He shook me a bit "Yesterday?!"

I nodded, slowly starting to smile knowing everything was still ok.

"I can't believe it. Sig is going to flip" he exclaimed grabbing my cheeks.

"Dad" I took his hands from my cheeks and held them, laughing a bit.  "You're talking in midgard form"

"Well, I can't forget my roots can I? but forget about that. Tell me, who's the lucky man"

I bit the inside of my cheek, still looking at his eyes, they were sparkling. I let go of his hands and sat down again in my chair and motioned him to do the same. He sat on the edge of his seat, ready to jump when I mention the name, at least I hope he did.

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and look at him straight in the eye, now or never Kára.

"He's uh...well, do you remembered what happened in Midgard eight years ago?"

He looked at me strangely "Yes, that's when the son of Odin attack it...the adopted one" he added.

I nodded, but mentally slapped myself, maybe this wasn't the best way to let him know who it was. I sighed internally. Stupid.

"What do you think of him?"

Father narrowed his eyes, but answered "I think the power of the tesseract clouded his mind and as well, enhanced his negative emotions."

I motioned for him to go on, he cleared his throat "And well, I understand that he was confused and hurt when he came to learn his true parentage."

I continued for him and added my own thoughts as well "Yes, and he did his time, sadly he now roams the kingdom still feeling as an outcast."

My father nodded in accordance.

I clasped my hands together suddenly "So, now the universe wants him to be happy and...itturnsoutI'mhissoulmatefunnyisn'tit?"

I murmured quickly and smiled, glad that I finally said it, kind of. My father scrunched his eyebrows trying to decipher what I had just said, it seemed he didn't catch that last sentence and I was going to murmured it again, when his eyebrows shot up and he look at me with a shock expression.

"Surprise" I squeaked shrugging quickly. Then I closed my eyes and waited for his opinion, but nothing came. Oh, please say something. I peaked a bit, and his expression had changed; he was pensive now.

I sighed waiting, clutching my dress to keep my hands from shaking, I feared my father would disapproved and I didn't want to go against him, but I was talking here about my soul-mate, there was only one for every being and you were lucky if you ever found them.

I heard a pat and looked at my father. He looked at me and smiled "I'm happy for you, Kára"

"What?" I whispered in disbelief.

Father stood up and knelt in front of me "You found your soul mate, Kára and he's a prince" he smirked.

"Daaad" I rolled my eyes "What are you really thinking?"

"Baby girl, I want you to be happy, so does your mother and if she was here she would have already prepare your wedding, which I hope takes a very long time I might add." I giggled. He held my cheeks again and smiled warmly "Are you happy?"

I nodded, my eyes filling with unshed tears "Very" I whispered.

He patted my head softly "Then imagine when you get to know each other." I sniffed and nodded, happy that my father approved and was giving me his consent. He kissed my forehead and stood up "Just wait for a bit with the chicken wings, that can wait"

I laughed wiping the tears away "Yes". I looked at him and smiled "I love you, dad".

"I love you too, baby girl" He gave me a side hug as we walked inside "Love you too" he repeated.

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