The Scream, The Fight and Grindelwald

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Queenie's POV

   I scream as loudly as I can, hoping that Tina or Newt will hear me.
   Elaine is in a trance again. Nothing happened when she looked at me the previous hours, but it must've changed because when I offered her more strudel and looked her in the eye, she dropped the plate and the wand appeared in her hand. I wasn't so scared in the beggining, so I just fired a disarming spell. She easily avoided it and fired a disarming spell herself. I think I could've had a better reaction and blocked it, but I was just thunderstruck because I tried listening to her thougts and... nothing. A person always thinks something no matter what they are doing, but the moment the trance began, her thoughts just stopped.
   I am now on the ground, disarmed, my wand a few feet away. Jacob went outside, Tina and Newt are in the case, so I am alone.
   "Elaine, you have to stop this! Wake up!" I shout.
   She doesn't. She just raises her wand towards me.
   "No.. no.."
   She is thinking something!
   "Hey, Elaine, put your wand down. You don't want to hurt anyone." I say soothingly.
   "Stop.. Stop!"
   She is becoming more aware of herself.
   "It's gonna be alright. Just put your wand down."
   She still keeps her eyes fixed on me, but she slowly lowers her wand. If I keep talking she might free herself completly. I can see in her eyes that she is struggling.
   "Queenie!" Tina screams.
   The thoughts from Elaine's head dissapear completely as she raises her wand again, pointing it towards Newt.
   Without hesitation, I reach forward and take my wand from where it fell.
   "Petrificus Totalus!"  I shout.
   Elaine freezes and drops to the ground. The wand dissapeares from her hand.
   I look at Newt and Tina,who are standing in the doorway, wands raised.
   "Queenie, are you alright? What happened?" Tina questions.
   "She looked at me and.." I trail off, being aware that they already know the rest.
    The apartment door opens and Jacob enters, whistling happily.
   "Hey guys-"
   He stops at the sight before him.
  "What the hell happened here?!" he thinks.
   "Elaine had a trance again."
   He comes over and offers me his hand so I can stand up. I accept it and after he pulls me up he engulfs me in a tight hug.
   "We're in danger.." he thinks.
   "We'll be fine, sweetie."
   He inhales deeply, stroking my hair gently.
   "I'm just glad you're alright."
   We pull away to see Newt approaching Elaine.
   "Finite Incantatem." he chants.
   She blots upright, panting and crying at the same time.
   "Sorry, sorry, I'm so sorry..." she cries.
   "It's alright, you didn't hurt anyone." Tina says, trying to calm her down.
   She stays there, looking at the ground, trying to control her sobs.
   I want to leave her be, but I have to ask.
   "Elaine, did you feel anything different this time?"
   "No..wait. Oh my god!"
   "Yes!" she shouts "For a few seconds I actually felt like I could break free.. I could even see around me, but when Newt and Tina came into view I lost control again. Why, was it visible?" she asks.
   "Not really, but your thoughts were different."
   "What? Do I think when I..loose control?"
   "No, see, that's the thing. You don't. But you started breaking through this time."
   "Maybe.. Just maybe.." she thinks, hopeful.
   "Maybe.." I whisper.


   "Ilvermorny is the best. Just agree so we can get this over with." I say.
   "I'm sorry but I can't agree with a thing that's not even true!"
   "Plus, you don't even know how Hogwarts is.."
   "And you don't know how Ilvermorny is, so give up!"
   "Wha-Hey,don't read my mind!" Newt protests
   I think we started this argument about 10 minutes ago. Elaine just asked us where we learned magic from and then, when we both said different schools, she asked us which one is the best. Wrong move on her part.
   I am not going to be the one who caves. So, Newt, get ready for a loong night.
   "We have statues that sort us into houses!"
   "And we have a sorting hat."
   "Oh well, that ain't that glamorous. A hat?"
   "You two still haven't stopped?" says Tina as she enters the room.
   "It wouldn've stopped a long time ago if Queenie just agreed with me." Newt answers.
   "Well, as you said, I can't agree with something that isn't true!"
   "Yeah, Newt, I'm with Queenie." Tina nods.
   "Oh come on!" he groans. "Fine!"
   "You agree with us?" I say, triumphant.
   "No, I'm leaving. Goodbye." he says as he opens his case and slips in.
   "This isn't over!" I shout after him.
   "Well that was entertaining." Elaine chims in.
   She is standing in a corner on the ground,  knees to her chest. I didn't even notice her.
   "You watched the whole thing?"
   "Listened" she mutters.
   "Hold up.." thinks Tina.
   "Um, Elaine.. were you in New York a while back?"
   "Yes, why?"
   "Nothing, it's just weird how the reports said you started, er, being controlled in New York but you seem like you live here.
   "Yeah, well, I was with my parents on vacation...I left early because I was scared I was going to hurt them. "
   "And they just let you?" I ask, surprised.
   "I had my excuse."
   "You are an actress?" I ask.
   "How-Oh right. Yes I am an actress.. At least trying to be."
   "The acception letter does not matter, nothing matters anymore..."
   "You got accepted somewhere?" I ask again. Only after the words leave my mouth I realize it was insensitive for me to say that. "Sorry, you don't need to answer -"
   "No it's alright. I got accepted into an acting programme, that's all. The thing is, I can't go. I can't really act without looking anyone in the eye."
   She is hurting. I can hear her thoughts so clearly.
   "Gosh, if only I could do magic, or know something.."
   "Hey,do you wand a spell manual?" I try to cheer her up.
   It works. Even though she doesn't look up, her face lights up
   "Do you have one? I would love to read it!"
   " Sure! Accio! "
   The book flies in my hand and I hand it to her. It's The Dark Forces: A guide to self-protection.
   She smiles.

Elaine's POV

   I look up from the book when I hear a knock at the door. I frown, confused. All of the others are out. I locked the door, but they can come in with no problem. Maybe Jacob came on its own?
   I stand up, pushing the blanket away and putting the spell book on my desk. I go to the door and open it.
   "Jacob, is that yo-"
   I freeze at the sight before me. A tall man with white hair and two different coloured eyes startes at me.
   "Hello, Elaine." he says softly
   "Do.. do I know you?" I say, a slight quiver in my voice.
   "Not yet. But you will."
   I start closing the door, my heart pounding in my chest. He easiliy stops it, using a.. wand.
   "You aren't gonna let me in? That 's rude.."
   I gulp, not moving.
   He just waves his hand and suddenly I am not in control anymore. I step aside, making place for him to enter, even gesturing with my hand for him to come in. I don't want to do any of this, why am I not in control any-
   And then it hits me.
   He is the one. Grindelwald.
   I am free again and I close the door quickly and turn to face him.
   "You.. You're Grindelwald."
   "Good. Very good indeed." he smiles.
   I press my back to the door, simply his presence repulsing me. He is the one that made me do such horrible things. To take so many innocent lives.
  "Why?" I croak out
   "I think you already know why, Elaine."
   I do. To get rid of his enemies. But that is not my question.
   "Why me?"
   "Let's say you were an easy target."
   "So all of this.. is because I am weak?" I say, intrigued.
   "No, not at all. I never said you were weak."
   I don't say anything.
   "You are.. special. Of great value."
   "What do you mean?"
   "I mean I sensed something in you. A great power."
   "In me?"
   "Yes, indeed. A great power that's waiting to be released."
   I just stare at him, mouth open, unable to get words out
   "Come tonight to Hammersmith bridge. There will be a meeting and you will find out more about yourself."
   But he is already gone.

I just love to end on a cliffhanger. Don't hate me pls.
My updates will probably be a bit slower because I am on a trip with a choir and have a bunch of concerts, meaning I don't have a lot of time.
Also THANK YOU FOR OVER 200 VIEWS! Just.. Thankyouthankyouthankyoudissxandowds.
K I'm done.

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