The Meeting

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Grindelwald's POV

   "You have come here because of a calling. A voice that is inside of you, shouting that the old ways serve us no longer." I say. They are all watching, eager to know more. They think I am the answer to all of their problems. They think they are in control, that they made a choice to come here. Little do they know, they are the farthest thing from being in control. I have them, all of them, in the palm of my hand. I could destroy them with a single flick of my wand. But that is a mistake that every great dark wizard made. They used brute force without thinking. I, on the other hand, made them trusting, made them think that I mean no harm to anyone.
   "So let that voice free. Listen to it. Because it it telling the truth." I continue.
   They all approve, nodding.
   They have no idea what's coming.
   I scan the crowd. Young and old witches and wizards have their eyes pinned on me. 
   My eyes stop on a man that doesn't look determined, eager, or drawn in. I recognise him immediately . Theseus Scamander. He thinks I don't know that he is here, that he's taken me by surprise.
   But he's wrong.
   I made sure he would know that I have a meeting. I knew he would bring backup, so of course that means his little brother, Newton Scamander . He is the one that needs to be here. Not to kill him, no. He survived Elaine' attacks, so he is spared for now. He needs to be the one that carries on the news.
    I notice that they brought 3 more persons. It doesn't matter. They are disposable.
   And when Elaine gets here, and she will, everything will fall into place.
   I only need him alive.

Newt's  POV

   I look at Tina, Queenie and Jacob as they listen to Grindelwald. I can tell that he has manipulated everyone here into thinking that he is the answer to all of their problems.
   I still curse myself for leaving my case at Elaine's apartement. All I want to do is go back there and get it, but I am aware that is not possible. The meeting has started. It is happening now.
   "Newt!"Tina whispers. "Do you have a plan?"
   "Just listen for now. I'll think of something."I reply.
  "For decades, No-Majs thought of us as the threat. The dangerous. " Grindelwald continues. "Because of them, we had to go into hiding to avoid persecution. They were killing us by hundreds. And still, we were the bad ones. But not anymore. We are gathered here for a new start, where we will not cower under their so- called dominion anymore. So join me, to take out rightful place in the world! "
   Everyone cheers.
   He points his wand to the ground and a blue circle forms around him. 
   "Join me in this circle. But be warned, no cheaters."
   Wizards start going into the circle, one by one. They just step over the line and then Dissapparate when Grindelwald nods, showing his approval.
   "We have to stop him now!" Theseus whispers. "I can go in and pretend so I can be on the inside."
   "No!"I stop him." You can't pretend, he will know! "
   "It's our only choice! And how do you know for sure he will know? "
   As he says that, I see in the corner of my eye a young witch walking shakily towards the line.
   "Look." Tina says, noticing her as well.
    The witch composes herself and takes a deep breath.
   I can tell she is not a follower. She thinks she can fool him. I need to stop her or she will die. I take a step forward at the same time she does. The moment her legs touch the line, she screams and dissolves into ashes. Everyone gasps.
   "This is what happens when you try to hurt others. She was coming here to fight me. To hurt all lf us who are fighting for this cause." says Grindelwald nonchalantly.
   Of course he managed to make her death seem her fault. He made her look like the villain. Grindelwald turns his back to us to look at the others.
   I see Theseus raising his wand.
   "Theseus, no! "I shout.
   But it's too late.
   "Stupefy!" he shouts.
   Grindelwald deflects the spell easily, not even looking at us. He then turns slowly to look at us, a smile creeping on his face. I look around and realise, in horror, that we are the only ones left.
   "Let's see.. Scamanders, Goldsteins, and.. a No-Maj? That is a surprise." he says.
   Queenie turns to Tina,probably reading her mind.
   "No!" she says.
   "Queenie, we don't have time for this. Go!" Tina says through clenched teeth.
   Queenie slowly nods, grabs Jacob's hand and Dissapparates.
   Tina looks at me and puts her hand on her chest, on the left side, and I understand.
   Queenie went to get my case.

Elaine's POV.

   I enjoy this book more than I though I would. It would be really helpful if...well,if I could do magic or had a wand. But nevertheless, it's still interesting. I am at the chapter that explains how to stop immense dark forces, and I shudder just at the thought of anyone doing these dark spells.
   I hear a sound and snap my head towards the door. I see a flash of golden hair and instantly look down.Queenie and Jacob are here.
   "Elaine! Thank Merlin you're safe!" she says.
   "Why wouldn't I-"
   "Where is Newt's case?" she asks urgently.
   I am taken a bit aback.
   "Newt's case. Where is it?"
   "Um, I think it's in my bedroom-"
   She doesn't let me finish and runs straight for the bedroom. I avoid her gaze, just in case. After a few seconds she returns with the case in hand.
   "What's happening?" I ask, worried.
   "Nothing, don't worry about it. We have to leave." she says to Jacob.
   "Wait, I think you should know that-"
   A lound explosion interrupts me. I look out the window to see a blue dragon going to the sky. It lets out a deafening roar that sends shivers down my spine.
   "Oh no.." Jacob gulps. "I.. I can see that."
   Queenie gasps.
   "What is happening?" I question.
   "Grindelwald. He is having a meeting, but he has the others in a trap. Tina, Newt and Theseus. I have to go back. You two stay here." she says, pointing to me and Jacob.
   "Wait! How are you gonna stop.. that?" I say, looking at the huge dragon that lets out another roar.
   Queenie seems to think for a second.
   "We'll contain it."
   "Honey.. Are you sure you can do this this?" Jacob says.
   She doesn't answer the question.
   "I love you" is all she says and then dissapears.
   "Queenie!" Jacob shouts, but it's in vain. She is gone.
   Contain it. Contain it. What does she mean?
   I remember what I was just reading in the spell book. I quickly grab it and shuffle through the pages to find what I am looking for.
   There it is!
              How to contain and destroy an immense dark force.
   I start reading it, hoping it can give me some answers.
   A dark force can be contained if at least 5 witches or wizards form a circle around the dark force, their wands into the earth, using the spell "Finite" (more about that in chapter five).
   I panic slowly as I count them in my head. Newt, Tina, Queenie, and I heard Queenie say Theseus. They are only four. They won't be able to stop it.
   But maybe I can help.
   When I am controlled.. I have a wand. And I use it.
   But I can't control it.
   "What is this?" asks Jacob,his voice cracking slightly. Normally I would try to comfort him, but I am too concentrated on my idea. I keep looking down.
   "You know I can't look." I mutter.
   "Oh right.. Sorry about that.." He clears his throat. "I'm talking about the bottle that is on your desk and is shining."
   I look at the desk to see the bottle that Jacob is talking about. It must be the Erumpent potion. The one that could help me control myself-
   My thoughts come to a halt as I keep my eyes fixed on the bottle. The red and orange swirls move around it, giving it a shine. Newt said it should work. I must try.
   It is extremely risky.
   But I have no choice.

I actually enjoyed writing the part in Grindelwald's POV.. should I be worried?
As this book is coming to a close I want to thank you (again) for reading. It is my first ever fanfiction and, and the first story I wrote in english (and not just 3 chapters). I am actually thinking of writing a sequel, maybe..? :)

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