Part 1

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Brian's POV
𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐

Nobody ever bothers to ask why Brian May only wears long sleeved shirts. Just like nobody ever bothers to ask why he owns a collection of bracelets which he wears on the rare occasion that he does wear short sleeved shirts. Maybe it's the fact that people often only see what they want to see, or perhaps it's fear of hearing something that they don't want to hear.

All he knows is that it's been a long night, filled with the overwhelming lights of the night club Freddie had dragged them too, and the sinking feeling that filled his chest every time Roger's boyfriend rolled his eyes at Brian. He didn't really understand why the older man hated him so damn much, all he knows is that Daniel can't stand him. And that he isn't very subtle about it.

The other thing he knows is that Daniel, regardless of having known Brian for, give or take, two months already seems to know more about him than his four friends combined.

They had been dancing, the five of them, having the time of their lives and helping Brian forget about the sinking feeling that passed over him every time he caught Daniel's stare. The alcohol is helping him feel like himself again, lightening his mood and making the tension leak from his muscles. He definitely wants more.

He leaves them in the middle of the dancefloor with the promise of coming back with shots for all of them and misses the way that Daniel walks after him. Brian leans on the bar, bracelets that decorate his arms digging into his skin painfully, but he pays no mind to the sensation. Then someone slots himself beside Brian, pressing their shoulders together.

When he turns, he finds Daniel glaring at him. Brian's heart sinks, "Look, I really don't want to fight you. You seem to make Roger very happy and I—"

"You know I love Roger, right?"

Brian frowns, "Yeah, but what does that have to do with—?"

"I don't think he should be hanging out with you."

Brian's frown deepens, "Look, mate if you think that I am in any way going to get in the way of yours and Roger's relationship you are wrong."

"That's not what I meant, and you know it."

"Then what—?"

Daniel's eyes flicker to Brian's wrists, and the penny drops. He feels his eyes widen and his breath shorten because oh god this can't be happening. He instantly cradles his hand to his chest and wishes that he hadn't worn the ridiculous Rolling Stones t-shirt he is wearing.

"You should be more careful when you play. If the wrong people were to find out..."

Daniel lets the thought linger on the air between them, and Brian's breath hitches, "You haven't told them, have you?"
Daniel shakes his head, his striking blue eyes never leaving Brian's face, "I'm not going too. And I won't tell the press either. I just want you away from Roger. He is way too precious, way too soft, and that," Daniel points at the hand Brian is holding to his chest, "will kill him."

The worst part is that Daniel's argument is reasonable. He can see the way that it would kill Roger, the way it could destroy Deaky and Freddie. Brian knows that if it were to get out if any of his boys were to find out, it might tear them apart. So he just nods.

He clears his throat, blinks his tears away, and nods at Daniel, "Tell them I wasn't feeling alright."

Daniel nods, and gives Brian a faux smile, "I wish it could be different, Brian. But sadly it isn't."

Brian only notices the numbness that has spread over his body once he is left the bar. The cold air hits him like a truck, and Brian realises that everything he had been feeling that night seems to be locked away. The tears prick at the corners of his eyes, and a sob is clawing it's way up his throat.

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