Chapter Seven

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Maya and Aaron called me an hour after I got home to tell me the rest of the family would be there in time for dinner. Sarah, Justin, Maya and Aaron had to pick the rest of the gang up from the airport considering none of them would have a vehicle to drive in. I was so happy. I don't think I could be any happier. I have this amazing family, Piper as my best friend and now Xavier. I could just scream right now.

It was now 6 pm and they still haven't arrived and they were supposed to by 5:45 pm. I was able to wait. I started to clean the house. Figured I would help out since they were willing to take me in. I really didn't mind, but sometimes I just didn't feel like doing anything. I know it sounds terrible, but I couldn't help it. I may be selfish in that aspect, but at least I don't deny it like most people. I finished cleaning right as I heard the door open.

"Skye!" I knew it was Maya. I ran down the stairs from cleaning the bathroom. She knew immediately what I was doing while I waited for them.

"Hey," I said, "I cleaned. I figured it would pass the time while I waited. Plus, I figured you'd want me too. Hope I did a good job." Maya just looked at me and suddenly hugged me to her.

"I love you, Skye. Thank you so much. I really do appreciate it. Oh! Everyone isn't here yet. Aaron got a cab for me to have me come home so you weren't alone. I think he secretly wanted me to start dinner so it was almost done when they got back," she said while getting an apron for herself and I.

"Are all the kids coming with their parents?" I asked her.

"Yes, they should be bringing all my grandbabies. They want them to meet the new member of the family," she smiled at me.

My heart swelled with so much love. I felt like I was going to explode. I don't want this feeling to end. I feel whole and I've never felt like this before. It's so foreign, but I never want to let it go. I don't think Maya and Aaron know just how much I appreciate everything they do for me. It is truly amazing and I can't wait to finally have the last name Davis. Skyler Renee Davis. My puzzle of a life finally made sense.

After about twenty minutes after that they all walked through the door. All six of the family members with their kids or soon to be kids. I ran from my room, left the door open and everything. I tackled everyone in big hugs and they all laughed and greeted me.

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