That year you did not come how for Christmas, are for the new year, I called but you did not pick up, Seth when will you come home, it was not your fault, I should have never said it was, our Jamie is no more so come home, you're the only one I have now, please come home, but you did not come. My beloved where are you?, I'm begging you come home, are you ok, are you eating, are you taking care of yourself. Come home I'll prepare a nice warm bath for you and a hot meal, come home to me, come home to your Jane.
You did not come until late February, but I did not mind because you came home, that evening I prepare a warm bath and meal like how I usually do, but you did not eat, you took your bath and went to the bed, I ask if you were ok but you did not reply, did I do something wrong I ask but you remain silent, going near you I realized that you were already asleep. Stare softly at your face, I gently rubbed along your cheeks, while whisper words of love to you as you slept, I love you, I love so very much so please don't leave me, please don't forsake me, you promised me forever, so I will love you until our forever ends, my heart, I gave to you those years ago when you came asking me to follow you to this foreign country, and I have never regretted it because, my heart was already in your hands, I love you so very much.
I gently move my hand away from your face but did not step away from beside you ,I continue watching as you slept, you where always an handsome fellow, but did you know I did not fall for your look but your personality. You always go for what you wanted never turning back once you decide to do something, you where protective of the things you hold dear. Do you still keep hear from your mom these day, I always wanted to ask but you were never here. My world had always revolve around you, but do you know I miss my mom and dad, I miss my family, and I love them but I love you more, I know I am I an unfulfilled child, but do you know I'd rather be unfulfilled than to lose you.

RomanceIf love brings pain why do we love. loving, hating but we still end up breaking. The heart is fragile, why not put it in a cage, lock it up and throw away the key. Loving you was like worshipping god but you did not worship me back, instead my love...