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Solar's P.O.V.

"Let's just break up Solar." Eric said looking at me.

"What are you saying? I love you and you love me, we both love each other. Then why do you suddenly want a break up? If there's a problem you can tell me, we can fix this, we've been in a relationship for like 5 years, and in those 5 years we've been through a lot, we always find a way to solve everything"

" I'm tried of everything, I'm tired of this situation hiding our relationship, I'm tired of going out with you, I'm tried of waiting for you whenever we'll date, I'm tired of listening to your whines, I'm tried of understanding you, I'm tired of----" I cutted his words by slapping him. How dare he?

"So, you've just gotten in a relationship for fun? Did you just date me because it's fun?Now that you are already tired and our relationship is not that fun anymore, you want us to break up? Then go leave ,do not ever come back. The girls are right, I should have never believed you, I regretted being your girlfriend." I saw him lowered his head. He must be guilty, well I don't care anyways, he is not worth it.

"I'm really sorry." He said leaving my house, as I saw him leave, my tears started to fall continuosly. How can he do this? We were happy and contented but why? Why did he waste our five years? Just because he is tired? What kind of reason is that? When you love someone, you wouldn't be tired right? It's because love would be your strength right? Or he didn't really love me? I pulled my hair out of frustration. Arghhh! I hate this feeling, it really hurts,I was crying and crying until I heard my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered the phone without knowing the caller.


"Wheein! It's you, what's up?" I changed my tone trying to sound cool.

"I'm okay, how about you? You seemed sick, Are you okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine, it's just that it's a little cold in here hehehe. Why did you called anyways?" I asked changing the topic.

"Nothing Unnie I just miss you! That's all byeee!!!" After that she ended the call. My smile faded when a tear fell from my cheeks, he used to call me randomly while I am at work, saying he misses me, reminding me that he loves me and a lot of stuffs. Honestly, I looked crazy right now, crying while smiling turned to loud, painful cries. I was stopped when I heard a knock. I quickly wiped my tears, checked myself and opened the door.

"Unnie!" The girls greeted me with a hug. As we removed from the bear hug, I suddenly asked.

"Why are you guys here?"

"I know that something is troubling you, it's obvious in your voice." Wheein cross armed.

"So, we bought some tteokbokki and beef intestine soup and can talk it over." I smiled at their statement, these girls won't leave him, unlike him, that's why I really love these girls, I am very lucky to have them.

1 year later...

"Solar of Mamamoo to be leading in a drama." I smiled, it's all in the news, I suddenly remembered the first time I got into acting, it was so embarrassing, the lines are so cheesy, glad that I pulled it off. I remembered how the girls laugh at me, I also remembered how I told Eri---him, nevermind. I sighed as I suddenly think of him-- Eric, I'm still in the stage of moving on, it still hurts, the wound he left me is still fresh, I can't help but to be mad at him, I really hate him, because of him, I changed I am not that old Yongsun that Yongsun that was cheerful, a bright one and the energizer of everyone, I may look happy but in the inside I am not, he took away the old me, If I could turn back time, I wish I didn't know him, I wish that I didn't love him, I should have listened to the girls, I shouldn't be deceived by him, he just used me, regretting is truly always in the end. I heaved a sigh.

"Solar ssi we are now here." The driver said, oh yeah I forgot that today is the start of the filming of my new drama, it is actually a romance one, but its kinda a mature concept, there will be lot of touching, kissing which will be my first time. I am so nervous about it but the director said that my partner is good at it,and I was kinada close to him,he also said that I will learn a lot from him, just by thinking of him I can say that he is a veteran actor. I quickly got out from the van and they've done my make up and dress me up, after that I've done the first scene where my boyfriend will broke up with me, I will be broken, then I'll go to a bar everything went so smooth and the camera is rolling continuosly when....

"Director, the male lead is not yet here." One of the staffs said.

"It's okay we will wait for him."
The director replied. Then we waited.....

Ten minutes......

Fifteen minutes.....

Twenty minutes.....

I woke up to the loud chatting of staffs, director and the producers, I didn't notice that I slept.

"You're awake! Are you now ready? We will be shooting the next scene." My manager told me.

"How long did I slept?"

"Maybe for about 1 hour, then for the first 10 minutes your partner saw you sleeping and said that we shouldn't wake you up, 'cause he knows that your tired blah blah blah." My eyes widened and got to the circle of staffs.

"I'm really sorry." I lowered my head. "I shouldn't sleep that's so
unprofessional of me, I-I." I stopped when I looked up and saw him.

"It's okay Yongdong---I mean Solar" Eric smiled shyly, I mentally rolled my eyes so the devil is back. I look at his eyes that are also smiling, he seemed so happy, well who would be? He got an acting debut in the U.S. became famous.

"Why are you guys so shy?You've been together for years,You can hug or kiss, I know you miss each other." The director said with a cheeky smile. I just fake laughed. He doesn't know,even our managers, it is just between us, maybe with our friends also.

"So, shall we start?" I said changing the topic.

"Can we talk first? just the two of us?" Eric looking at me, I just nodded without looking at him. We quickly headed to a dimmed place.

"What are you going to say? I mean if it's not that important, you can tell me later,we are wastin----"

"I still love you, I still care for you, I still want you. Every day, every night I want to go back here hug you tightly and never let go, I miss your eyes,nose,lips,hair, your everything. I miss the old us.I miss you." Eric hugged me tightly,just by his words I remembered everything, the happy memories, just being us, joking around, watching movies, leaning on his shoulder, hugging him from behind whenever he cooks, the kisses we shared. I miss everything, I miss him too..... but I can't, the pain is still here. I'm afraid that he will leave me again, I'm not completely healed and now he's here to broke me into pieces again, no I won't let that happen. I removed his arms that are wrapped around me and stood straight.

"I don't feel the same, I don't miss you. I'm sorry" I walked away. Loving you was a mistake,once is already enough. I am not going to repeat that mistake again,never ever again.

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