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Nobody owns the force to choose which family they grow up in, not even you. Sometimes your special life killed you internally but no one would ever see it.

"Dad, how long do I have to continue this diet? It sucks already", you kinda pouted as you saw your father in his office room. KQentertainment's PD was the name he was known for. Being his child was a trip to hell sometimes. On the other hand you could get specified training for your weaknesses, you had the offer to practice like a kpop Idol.

He looked up from some documents when you had finished your question, a tiny cackle escaped his lungs. "Only for around one more week", he explained, already extending these papers on the table again. A loud scoff was your reaction, making your dad laugh. Since your debut was drawing closer each day you couldn't give up now, not even your diet. You wanted and needed to look your best on that stage, it was one of the keys to success in this business.

With slight annoyance you left the room, kicking the door behind yourself to close it. Starving wasn't really your cup of tea, eating had been your biggest desire for weeks already. After this tiring day you decided to go home immediately, not even thinking about staying out that night. Raindrops calmly dropped on the top of your head as you were walking through those still busy streets. One of the mildest moments in eternities.

Suddenly your phone rang, ruining the beautiful silence. Another loud groan left your mouth as you aggressively pulled your phone out of a pocket. But when you saw whose name was being on screen your mood lifted a slight bit. One side of your lips raised abruptly. "Hey, are ya willing to go to a restaurant with us tonight?", one of your best friends, Yunho, asked through the phone. Although this was a nice offer you yawned and declined. You had planned to go to sleep as soon as seeing your bed before. Luckily, he kindly understood that and wished you sweet dreams, making your heart melt.

They had been with you since the very beginning, they would stay til the very end. These boys were more than just musicians to you, they were family. Daily you spent time with them. Your bond was growing tighter each time.

Right after the call the WhatsApp sign on your home screen began blinking, a sign of an unread message. To prevent yourself from tripping you stopped walking and opened the app to see an image sent by the boys, Jongho to be exact. Your fragile heart skipped a few beats at first but when you saw the selfie he had sent your heart only melted away. He was so freaking cute, so damn nice. You adored him so bad. You had been crushing on Jongho for a while. Did you ever let anyone notice? Nope, never. Your plan was to stubbornly swallow these feelings and for a while it had been working.

[Next day / 9pm]
Thursday, work day. Like each day of the week, except for Sunday, you had to show up at work. More than twelve hours of practice every single day, torture at its finest.

Not much later you grabbed your stuff and were ready to leave this building. All your looks wandered around the dark rooms, none was still in order. At 8pm majority of the employees and trainees left so you were alone in there every evening. Once again it has been the calm part of your day. Until you suddenly saw something bright at the end of the corridor, one light was still switched on. As you were about to enter that room to turn off the lamps you suddenly jumped back in shock. And the other person did so as well.

"Jongho! Whoa, never scare me like that again!", You almost screamed while letting your hand touch your chest, feeling the racing pumps of your heart. The boy also seemed to be a little scared, your sudden appearance had probably frightened him too. "First I thought it could be your entire group in here, then I thought someone had just forgotten to turn off the lights. What I wanna ask is why you are alone", you said, finally removing your hand. Jongho quietly giggled but it didn't sound real. The next thing he received were some confused looks from you, your deepest inner noticed something's wrong. "Do you want to talk about it? About ehatever is destroying you", you asked kindly, hoping for a yes.

The boy sighed deeply before nodding, coming closer to you. He suggested to sit down in one corner, not a problem for you. You were afraid he ain't doing fine. He blankly glanced at the floor, obviously not feeling comfortable. With his arms supporting his head he started talking "I don't deserve all this". Confusion was written all over your face. He sighed deeply again "I don't even understand our latest dance. Actually, I could never dance well neither sing. What if I make a mistake on stage, what if I disappoint our fans? My boys would loose fans because of me. What am I saying. I'm not gonna disappoint them, I am already doing so. Sometimes I think this is just too much for my mental health. It's too much pressure".

"A-Are you saying you want to leave the group?", You said with a suddenly extremely weak voice, not knowing how to handle the current situation.

"I don't know. If I don't get this damn dance within the next few hours, yes. Jokes on us, I'm gonna leave if my mind gives up. And it will give up"

"Don't say that, please. You're a strong, independent man and an amazing artist. You aren't disappointing anyone, believe me. We all love you the way you are. This was your dream. You won't give up now and I want you to promise me"

Those words hit him harder than thought, his eyes teared up immediately. You thought you had maybe said something wrong now but as he leaned over to you and hugged you tightly you knew he was just being thankful. Glad to have someone he could trust. You hugged him back of course. His face was nuzzled into your shoulder "Thank you, Y/n". One hand was stroking his back, still holding him tight though "I'll never stop believing in you".

Not much later he pulled away and wiped away some tears from his and your cheeks, you couldn't stand seeing him crying without starting yourself. Still, you didn't know what to do to make him feel any better. And what had sounded like an awful idea in your brain seemed to be worth a shot now. "Jongho, can you teach me the new dance?", You asked, begging for an accurate reaction. His expression turned surprised "But Y/n, I haven't perfectioned it yet. That's what I meant. I know the movements but I can't pull off power or anything. I can't even remember them properly". You started smiling slightly "You know the moves so you can teach me". His expression was still confused, your smile didn't clear it up either. Quickly you handed him your water bottle "Let's practice now".

[Next day / 7am]
You were still practicing, this time you insisted on Jongho dancing in front of you. With all your effort you tried to help him out with the movements and emotions during the choreography. You watched him carefully, a smile creeping up on your mouth. He did amazing. Your act of support worked.

While you were applauding and cheering loudly the door suddenly opened. Seven boys were standing there, looking as confused as Jongho before. You two owed them an explanation, that's true.

[1 week later]
"Aww, look! It's our two lovebirds again", Mingi pointed at Jongho and you, wanting to tease you. The entire week it had been going on like that. The boys teased you for helping Jongho out, in a playful way though.

One evening all of you were at a restaurant together, Jongho and you of course seated next to each other. Again it started. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!", The boys cheered, making you blush but laugh. Jongho drew his face closer to yours "A kiss would be exactly what I want right now" and closed the space between your lips.

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