Chapter 8 Interruptions

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Authors note: Short Chapter! Next one will be much larger. Hope you enjoy this tid-bit until the next one comes out. Probably by this upcoming weekend it will be on the site for you all to read. Also, if you haven't already, please drop a comment if you like or do not like where the story is heading, all feedback is appreciated and motivates me to continue! Thank you for all the support.


Tired, out of breath and hungry, the three companions made it back to the safety of the Domain. Zelda most of all was having a hard time catching her breath. She even had to stop the others several times along the road, just for a breather as they made their trek down the mountainside.

*Huff, puff, wheeze. *

"Next time, we bring our horses," Zelda breathed heavily as she leaned over, hands on her knees facing the ground as she spoke to her two seasoned warriors. They had to hurry back to the Domain because dusk was setting in, and Link didn't want her to be out any longer than she needed to be. Especially now, that there was no doubt some malevolent force that was still out there, lurking in the darkness.

"Are you going to be alright?" Link asked her, after noticing her trouble to keep us as they ran.

"Yes...I think so. Sorry, I'm not as accustomed to running miles on end like you two. But don't worry, I'll get better at it," She smiled, lifting herself up as she was finally able to catch her breath. "Well, good thing is, I believe the worst is now behind us. We're back."

"Yeah, next time we definitely will bring the stallions," he confirmed.

Zelda's face then went elsewhere as Link spoke, distracted, she remembered the sight they witnessed up on the mountain. Flashed in her mind was the ripped core out of the divine beast, and even more so, the two innocent zora sentries' bodies. As much as she tried to tear herself away from thinking about the gruesome scene she beheld earlier, she couldn't, it was burned into her memory. A cold sadness filled her. She felt somehow responsible for all that has transpired lately.

"Sidon," Zelda turned to the zora prince who was just behind her and Link. The three just made it to one of the main bridges that led up into the northern east end of the Domain. "I'm sorry again for the loss of your friends. If there is anything I can do-"

Sidon then cut her off before she could finish. "Thank you, Princess of Hyrule, your words are kind, but it wasn't your fault that this happened. It was mine. I should have had more guards stationed-Actually...No, I should have been the one to protect Ruta. It should have been me. Those men didn't deserve to die," Sidon replied as he slowly paced behind them both. His spirits were down, and his voice trembled as he spoke.

She then turned to face him and rubbed a calm hand over his arm to comfort him. "There was no way you could have known that would happen. And besides, throwing your life away would not have accomplished anything. So, don't let it get to you as if you failed, because you didn't," she said as she smiled sweetly to him, placing a soft finger to lift his chin up.

"Thank you...Princess, I'm sorry you both had to see this...this momentary weakness on my part," Sidon said to both Link and Zelda. "I promise, when we continue our journey, I'll be stronger and won't hesitate again."

"You are strong Sidon. One of the strongest people I have ever known. And please, call me need for the formalities when it's just us three together, okay?" she smiled to him.

"Okay then, Zelda it is," he said. Sidon then took a few steps forward to follow after them but suddenly stopped mid walk. Zelda and Link then spun back around to see what may have caused him to do so.

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